Dear Me In 6 Months: You're Going To Be So Proud
In six months, you’re going to look back on all the hard work you’ve been doing and be so damn proud of yourself.

By Theresa Faughnan
Dear Theresa,
In six months, you’re going to look back on all the hard work you’ve been doing and be so damn proud of yourself.
At the ripe young age of 35, you’re finally prioritizing your needs and wants over others. You’ve decided to grip back onto the steering wheel of your life. The road ahead is one full of all-around wellness.
You are prioritizing your mental health by practicing gratitude daily, working with a therapist, and intentionally recognizing what does and does not serve you. Your physical health is getting to a better place than it’s been in years.
Also, your social life finally feels fulfilling as you find yourself surrounded by good-hearted, spirited, and energizing friends.
You are creating more time for writing and pursuing your habits and interests. You’re taking comedy classes and loving them. You’re finding time for wellness. And you’re being more intentional when you’re with friends and family by listening more closely, not looking at your phone, and staying in touch with those you can’t be around as often as you’d like.
Naturally, because of the steps you are taking in your personal life, the attitude you exude and the way you speak to and care for others is a much more positive, encouraging tone. You find people often share their dreams and aspirations with you.
You have friends you practice accountability with. And you share books and podcasts with friends you think will serve as inspiration for them in their current stage of life. You are waking up every day with a new invigoration you can’t remember when you last felt…if you’ve ever felt this at all.
When you look back, you know you have countless things to be thankful for and proud of.
You have an incredible, loving, and supportive wife who makes you laugh harder than anyone you’ve ever met. In marrying her, you also got a bonus family full of quirkiness, enthusiasm, and knowledge you never knew you needed.
Friendships you’ve had for years are continually growing stronger. You are finding connections in your community through new friendships and volunteering for organizations near and dear to your heart. (P.S. You can finally get to most places around town without using GPS, and for your sister, that’s a huge win!)
You still love books just as much as you did when you were younger and snuck a flashlight under your covers to keep reading. But you also now embrace that life’s too short to finish a book you’re not feeling.
You are considerate of your thoughts and actions and the impact they carry, which leads to you deciding whether to follow through. You overall have a lighter, more carefree, and intentional lifestyle, and you’re absolutely loving it.
Your relationship with your mom is the best it’s ever been. It would seem you’ve both done quite a bit of growth recently.
It’s so refreshing to be able to have a conversation without worrying if one of you will end up crying, screaming, hanging up on one another, or a culmination of all of those things. When you get the opportunity to spend time physically together (which isn’t often enough), the conversations are so much more positive and nurturing.
You’re headed to a perfect place, and may even argue you’re already there. And that’s something to be proud of.
You’ve gotten this far by keeping your eye on the prize. It would be absolutely insane to give this up now. Keep doing what you’re doing and be proud of it, lady. The best is truly yet to come. You want to be there to watch it all unfold. I love you, I believe you, you’ve got this.
Love yourself,
Theresa Faughnan is a writer and contributor to Unwritten whose work focuses on lifestyle, family, and mental health topics.