11 Daily Habits Of Women Who Age Slower Than Their Friends
It's what you do, rather than the work you have done, that really makes a difference.

Aging isn’t something to fear, despite society’s negative outlook on growing older. We’re constantly told that youth is equated with beauty, health, and self worth, especially for women. Contrary to what you or many others might expect, the holistic daily habits of women who age slower than their friends prioritize their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Embracing the changes that occur as the years pass can help ease the harder parts of aging. In fact, maintaining a positive mindset about aging has been shown to boost health and increase longevity. Keeping an open mind and staying flexible allows people to age with grace and get the most out of their lives. With age comes wisdom, inner peace, and a sense of truly knowing who you are.
Here are 11 daily habits of women who age slower than their friends
1. Wearing sunscreen
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One daily habit of women who age slower than their friends is wearing sunscreen. Having a skincare routine brings a sense of rhythm to people’s lives. We wash our faces before bed and when we wake up. We apply toner and eye cream and moisturizer, which keep our skin hydrated. But there’s one crucial part of caring for our skin we often overlook: Wearing sunscreen.
According to a dermatologist from Johns Hopkins Medical Center, applying sunscreen on a routine basis helps prevent more than just sunburns and skin cancer. It also protects against premature aging. For the most effective results, use sunscreen that protects against UVB rays, which cause sunburns and skin cancer, and UVA rays, which can also lead to skin cancer, as well as skin aging.
For everyday use, choose a sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. If you’re someone who spends significant time outside, go for one with an SPF of 60 or more. You can put on sunscreen at the beginning or end of your skincare routine, as long as its broad-spectrum and water-resistent, the order of application doesn’t matter.
Skincare is more than a way to feel good about your appearance. It’s an important daily habit of women who age slower than their friends.
2. Getting restorative sleep
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Getting a solid amount of truly restful sleep is another habit of women who age slower than their friends. According to the Stanford Center for Longevity, a good night’s sleep is essential for our physical and emotional health. Sleep affects the body’s organ and tissue systems, cognitive function, and our mood.
Not getting enough sleep makes people feel groggy, grumpy, and unfocused, and it increases the risk of developing health conditions, like diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Around one-third of adults in the U.S. say they sleep less than seven hours a night, which isn’t enough to be fully restorative.
While it’s not easy to get an adequate amount of high-quality sleep, there are little things people can do to boost their chances of getting some serious Z’s, starting with a consistent, calming bedtime routine. Going to bed and waking up around the same time every day regulates our circadian rhythm, our body’s internal clock. Give yourself time each night to decompress and let your mind and body relax. Read a chapter of your favorite book, drink chamomile tea, or spend a few minutes focused on your breathing.
Sleep is a magic elixir: It boosts our mood, clears our minds, and keeps our bodies running, all of which can help women age slower than their friends.
3. Staying active
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Staying physically active is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. Exercise isn’t a one-size-fits-all activity, meaning that everyone has a routine that works best for them. Some people lift weights while others go for high-intensity cardio. Other people swim, or stretch, or walk. Moving our bodies benefits our physical health and our psychological well-being.
Having a consistent exercise routine can help decrease the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Being active releases endorphins, those feel-good, mood-boosting brain chemicals. Physical activity can interrupt the cycle of worrying or ruminating on negative thoughts, giving your mind a moment to be present in whatever you’re doing.
Exercising is a positive coping mechanism that keeps people strong, mentally and physically, which can help them age at a slower rate.
4. Managing stress
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Knowing how to manage stress is another daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. The sources of everyday stress are seemingly endless. It’s easy to let ourselves get dragged down by financial worries, pressure at work, and all the small tasks we need to get done by the end of any given day. Feeling stressed can age people prematurely, which is one reason it’s so important to be able to calm yourself down.
Therapist Katherine Mazza shared a mindfulness technique that immediately eliminates anxiety. “Oftentimes, the true source of anxiety is disguised, perhaps as small annoyances or just a ‘bad mood,’” she explains. “In stillness, we uncover the real concerns and fears, and in breaking this down it becomes more manageable.”
Mazza notes that being in a calm state of mind brings “clarity, perspective, and the reassurance that all is well and manageable.” She recommends having a daily mindfulness ritual, time you take just for yourself, to locate your inner peace.
“Set aside 20 minutes, twice a day, to sit quietly in stillness,” Mazza advises. “Breathe, observe, meditate, journal — anyone or any combo that works for you. Do this consistently for 30 days. Notice how your anxiety levels have changed.”
5. Avoiding hot showers
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Another daily habit of women who age slower than their friends is avoiding overly hot showers. It might seem silly or unnecessary, but dousing yourself in hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils, which leads to dryness and aging prematurely.
UCLA Health notes that taking a cold shower can function as a form of cryotherapy, or cold therapy, in which you expose yourself to cold temperatures to cool your body’s tissues. Cold therapy can be used as a healing and recovery technique to treat certain injuries. It also gets your blood circulating and feels good overall.
If standing in a stream of cold water for a long period of time isn’t your idea of a soothing activity, try to spend two or three minutes in your shower with the water temperature below 60 degrees. You might be surprised at how alive, awake, alert, and enthusiastic you feel afterwards.
6. Spending time with loved ones
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Spending time with people they love is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. Keeping up social connections keeps us young in every sense of the word. It’s very common for people to grow more isolated as they get older, which is mentally and emotionally harmful, and can even shorten their lifespan. Women who age slower than their friends understand the immense value of quality time with loved ones.
While seeing friends and family members face to face is the most beneficial form of social interaction, it’s not always possible. You might not be able to have a coffee date every single day, but you can pick up the phone and call someone you love. Hearing the sound of their voice and listening to them laugh is better than any combination of emojis they might send in a text.
Part of staying healthy and aging slowly is taking care of our hearts and spirits, and spending time with loved ones is one way to do so.
7. Having hobbies
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Having a dedicated hobby is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. Hobbies stimulate our minds and engage us on a creative level. They inspire us to have a youthful mindset. After all, what’s more life-giving than planting a garden or painting so many portraits of your dog that you could start your own gallery?
Life coach Deborah Roth shares the value of making sure you have “me-time” in your life.
“If we don’t place ourselves at the center of our lives, we become increasingly scattered, ungrounded, and miserable,” she explains. “If we don't create space for our self-care, we won't be whole enough to take care of all those we love or who depend on us.”
No matter what hobby you choose, or what your version of self-care looks like, the important thing is that you’re in it for yourself, fully.
“Everything becomes a little easier, less stressful, and maybe even more fun when we carve out time and space for ourselves amid the whirlwind of life,” Roth concludes.
8. Practicing gratitude
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Having an established practice of expressing gratitude is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. Harvard Medical School defines gratitude as “a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives, whether tangible or intangible,” noting that it’s a way for people to “acknowledge the goodness in their lives.”
Research has shown that having gratitude positively impacts people’s happiness. Being grateful allows people to face challenges, form strong, intimate relationships, and recognize what they have, instead of focusing on what they lack. Gratitude can be part of having a malleable mindset, and it can be applied to any stage of life. People can look back on their past and feel grateful for what they’ve experienced. They can be grateful for their present moment, just because they’re here. They can have gratitude for the future that has yet to come, looking forward with hope.
Practicing gratitude is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends, because it keeps them vibrant and optimistic.
9. Committing to self-care
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Making a conscious commitment to self-care is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. By putting in concerted effort to find fulfillment and nourish themselves, women are able to care for themselves in a holistic way, which helps them feel good about and age more slowly. Registered addiction specialist Clare Waismann reveals the ultimate goal of true self-care, which is “to enable us to live the healthiest and happiest life possible.”
“Self-care isn't just a routine; it's a commitment to our well-being, a journey towards a fulfilling and balanced life,” she explains.
Intuitive coach Ronnie Ann Ryan echoes the importance of true self-care, noting that, “When you take time just for yourself, you are demonstrating self-love. If you do yoga, you are loving your body and giving your mind a rest. Walking in nature connects you with something bigger than yourself, remembering you are a part of everything. If you do a creative project, you allow that part of your mind the freedom of expression so you are heard at least by yourself.
“All self-care options lead to honoring the unique being you are, your right to exist, take care of yourself, and make yourself happy,” she concludes.
10. Continuing to learn
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Learning new things is a daily habit of women who age slower than their friends. By acquiring skills and being curious about the world around them, women are able to stay young at heart and keep their minds sharp. Learning is a life-long process. It has no real end date and it can take any form you want it to take.
You might decide to learn a new language, so you teach yourself five new vocabulary words each day. You might flex your muscles in the kitchen and whip up a meal you’ve never made before. You can even have a more formal approach and take a community education class. Whichever route toward learning you take, it’s a daily habit that helps you adapt to change and stay open-minded, which are key aspects to aging slowly.
11. Doing things that bring them joy
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Another daily habit of women who age slower than their friends is doing things that bring them joy. So much of our lives are centered around the things we need to do and not the things that make us happy. While it’s not healthy, secure, or practical to ignore necessary tasks, it’s important to build in moments of joy in between the life administration that keeps us afloat.
Women who age slower than their friends treat themselves to ice-cream dinner, because everyone should have something sweet in their life. They blast their favorite songs while scrubbing the sink and fold laundry watching movies they loved when they were kids. Women who age slower than their friends are fully aware that they only have one life to live, so they make the most of what they have, every day.
Alexandra Blogier, MFA, is a staff writer who covers psychology, social issues, relationships, self-help topics, and human interest stories.