Adults Who Are Mentally Stronger Than The Average American Avoid These 7 Types Of People
Some people will do everything to drag you down with them.

Mental strength is developed inside a person, yet it is not impervious to the influence of other people in our lives. For mental strength to be maintained and grow, we need awareness of its vulnerability to be worn away by personality types who are not looking to improve.
With the people in our lives, there will be lots of different personalities. Some will help you grow as a person. Some will just be fun to be around. Others, however, will do nothing but hold you back. For the mentally strong, these are the seven types of personalities to avoid.
Adults who are mentally stronger than most avoid these personality types:
1. The Not-So-Deep Thinker
They talk about television and celebrities, about conflicts in their lives, and gossip about others. They often think they're some pretty smart people, and they might very well be, but they're just not deep thinkers. We should surround ourselves with people who can complete a deep thought. At least one.
2. The Obnoxious Lazybrain
Lazy_Bear via Shutterstock
Laziness is a plague that can only be solved by hard work and purpose. For the mentally strong, the latter comes naturally. But when we surround ourselves with lazy people, we run the risk of being lazy ourselves. Veg out if that's what you're feeling, but don't let people make it a habit for you.
Couples counselor Larry Michel explained a trait opposite of laziness that people who are beneficial in your life have, "They actively work on personal growth and self-improvement. They strive to become the best version of themselves, constantly learning and evolving. They are aware that when they or someone else is upset, the circumstance presents an opportunity for growth. This mindset attracts others who share a similar commitment to growth."
3. The Show-Off
People who act like they've got something to prove usually do, but it's not something good most of the time. They want people to look at how awesome they are and distract from the accomplishments of others, as supported by a study on narcissism and implicit attention seeking in the Personality and Individual Differences Journal. The accomplishments of the show-off are usually worth very little.
4. The YOLO - Yuri A via Shutterstock
What an annoying term. Of course, you only live once, but "YOLO" seems to translate to "let's get drunk and climb up a telephone pole." I'd rather hike a mountain or learn something cool.
5. The Bummer
Seriously, no one likes a droopy dog. I've been like that once or twice in my life, and it doesn't lead anywhere good. The bummer is the one who tells you that you can't. The bummers are the ones that hold you back.
According to life coach María Tomás-Keegan, "Friendship is not intended to hurt. Admittedly, there are times when you will need to have a tough conversation with a good friend because hearing the truth and telling it can be hard. When this happens with someone you consider a true best friend, though, it will end in a hug and a "Thank you for helping me to see the light and a different perspective."
Tomás-Keegan continued, "If more times than not, you are feeling worse after being with your friend, it may be time to consider spending less time with them — or letting them go altogether."
6. The Anti-Ambitious One
They get up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, and pass out. They are 9-to-5ers. They may have had dreams, but they allowed mundane everyday life to crush it for them. They don't think they can. They can't tolerate a little discomfort. They don't want to have to work any harder.
7. The Dream Crusher
For all the reasons above, they tell you your dreams won't work out either. Ditch 'em.
Relationship coach Kira Asatryan said, "Friends don’t feel any need to change you, control you, or make you into someone “worthy” of wrapping their identity up in. Friends allow for freedom — even as the relationship gets closer and closer. Freedom is the beauty of friendships. Friendship is freedom and closeness perfectly aligned. Although most friendships are considered casual, they're still incredibly important for a person’s well-being. They provide emotional support, social integration, and opportunities for fun and play."
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