3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Grow Stronger During Mercury Trine Saturn Retrograde Starting September 4, 2021

Maybe we should just sit this one out, if you know what I mean.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Grow Stronger Starting September 4, 2021 Joe Prachatree/Shutterstock.com

Three zodiac signs whose relationships grow stronger during Mercury trine Saturn retrograde may not want to try any harder than they already have. 

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But starting September 4, 2021, a few will say, "Maybe we should just sit this one out, if you know what I mean."

Leo, Libra, and Sagittarius are the three zodiac signs that the Mercury trine Saturn transit affects the most starting September 4, 2021.

Mercury Trine Saturn Retrograde in the zodiac sign of Aquarius says it all. It's like a double whammy of communication problems, however, this transit may just act as a blessing for some of us.


When we say the old cliche expression, "Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger" we may be referring to our personal take on this particular astrological transit.

And we will be tested; this is no joke. This is the time where we have to summon our better angels, as they say, and that may translate as, "try to see the upside of the situation."

There may be a few harsh, unnecessary words spoken between lovers during this Mercury transit - the kind that can break a partnership up. Fortunately, some folks work really well under duress.

We humans are strange; we rise to the top when we feel all is lost. Our nobility shines brightest when we are faced with the scorching possibility of loss.


Sometimes we have to hit bottom in order to recognize that the only way to go from there...is up.

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Relationships Grow Stronger During Mercury Trine Saturn Retrograde Starting September 4, 2021:

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

You might be feeling as though you've done all you can to make your relationship grow and thrive; you might even be ready to throw the towel in, as your love life doesn't seem to be what you wanted.

After all this time, you are now coming to question what you believed was rock hard; a reliable staple in your life.

Your partner doesn't seem to believe in you anymore - or is that your own self about rising to the surface? What you do know is this; it is not worth dissolving.


This relationship has survived so many ups and downs, and you cannot see it as ever ending, no matter how overly romantic or ridiculous that may seem.

You may not be happy - right now - but you recognize the need to seek hope in what isn't perfect. During this transit, you will consider a new approach.

You are ready to communicate now, and you will watch your words. Kindness is the key to making this successful, and you know it now. Time to put your thoughts to action. Good luck, Leo.

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Libra (September 23 - October 22)

During this challenging aspect, you will confront your own nature, and this mirror will reflect back to your own impatience and intolerance.


This, dear friend, is your first stepping stone to a new life, filled with understanding and patience.

For so long, you could only see your partner as problematic, someone you may not want to spend a lifetime working on...and now, your finer hour is here, Libra, and it's going to require your higher intelligence.

Lucky for you, you are brilliant, if not stubborn. However, you don't want to lose this - just the thought of all this love going away is not something you are ready to deal with, and so, you will use your intelligence to finesse a better plan.

That plan is called honesty and communication. But, not only that - it includes listening. Real listening. For the first time in ages, you will know that if you are to save your relationship, you must listen to your partner. They reveal their heart in their words.


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Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

You have been given a choice: work hard to spare your relationship from going down the tubes, or throw your hands up in frustration and let it all fall apart. Letting it all go does seem extreme, especially considering you love your person with all of your heart.

It's just that they aren't your ideal mate, are they? And then, your eyes open, because Saturn retrograde is not about to let you go down without seeing your own part in this relationship problem. Eyes will be opened, Scorpio, and you will see that you, too, play a part in this.


Are you willing to work on your relationship, one that you've always believed in, and yet are now so frustrated with that you can't see what's good in it anymore?

Yes, Scorpio - you are willing to work. You are now willing to put in the time and effort to save what is one of the best things that exist in your life. You are making the right move decision, friend - stick with it. You will be so happy with the results.

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Ruby Miranda has been interpreting I Ching, Tarot, Runes, and Astrology since childhood. She gives private readings and has been working as an intuitive reader for over 20 years. Follow her on Twitter: Ruby Miranda 


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