Husband Kept HILARIOUS List Of All The Things That Made His Wife Cry


Husband Kept HILARIOUS List Of All The Things That Made His Wife Cry getty

I cry a fair amount. Sometimes it makes sense (a death in the family) and sometimes it doesn't (series finale of a favorite TV show).

I have friends who cry at almost everything, and you know what? Crying a lot doesn't make someone weak; it actually shows not only their amazing ability to empathize but their vulnerability as well. People who cry a lot are in many ways the very best kind of people.


London-based comedy writer Aaron Gillies has seen his wife cry on many occasions. Gillies noticed that his wife has a tendency to cry at almost everything, so he decided to write down everything that made her cry for a month.

He called the list "Reasons My Wife is Crying" and posted it to Twitter and Imgur. Gillies told The Huffington Post that his wife found the list "very amusing."

"I did ask her before I posted it online, as I didn't want her to get any negative attention from it, as usually happens with the internet," he said. "She doesn't care that she is an emotional person, and it ends up being brilliant for anecdotes!"


Since the reasons for her crying are sweet, compassionate, funny and endearing, the internet went wild with views, shares and retweets in the millions.

"I thought it would get about 12 retweets from people that know Lex in real life and know what she is like," he said. "Neither of us thought it would go this big! But so many people are identifying with it. Maybe sensitivity is seen as something not many people talk about openly, so seeing someone show it started a rather long conversation."

Photo: Twitter


Here are the reasons Aaron's wife Lex is crying:

  • "She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice."
  • "She was hungover and saw a picture of a piglet."
  • "I waited until it was dark and pretended to be The Babadook."
  • "The fluffy bunny escaped from an arctic fox in a documentary."
  • "There were no biscuits in the house."
  • "She remembered swans can be gay."
  • "I tried to hold her hand when she wasn't expecting it."
  • "I cooked her dinner after a long day."
  • "She watched a video about a dog."

This list shows that sharing and being sensitive can be really good things, just like crying.
