Want Better Orgasms? Science Says To Sleep With This Guy

A new study brings us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries tied up with the female orgasm.

meg ryan

The female orgasm has long been a mystery to both men the world over and evolutionary scientists. How it is that some women orgasm, other don't, and why some never have (and maybe never won't) is something that researchers and sex therapists have been trying to figure out since time immemorial. And with stats that suggest only one in three women climax during sex with their partner, it's no wonder the female orgasm remains such a mystery. It's 2014; it would be nice to finally get some answers, don't you think?


A new study published in Evolutionary Psychology has brought us one step closer to unraveling the mysteries tied up with the female orgasm. According to lead author of the study, George Gallup, a psychologist at the University of Albany, intensity and frequency of orgasms have very much to do with the attractiveness, income, body measurements and personality of the male partner. Of course, this makes sense, but Gallup and his team were able to make it clear just how much these components contribute to orgasms.

The study involved surveying straight female college students in committed relationships and asking their opinion of their partners in regards to the aforementioned factors. To be sure that the opinion of these men were a bit more universal and not based on just one woman who was probably in love with them, the researchers also asked the women’s friends their opinion on the men in question. It was found that women who had friends who thought their partner was good looking had more intense orgasms and more frequently. Other attributes to better sexual satisfaction were also based in the intelligence, masculinity, drive, and focus in the male partner, as well as their sense of humor.


Researchers concluded that: "Their partner's sense of humor not only predicted his self-confidence and family income, but it also predicted women's propensity to initiate sex, how often they had sex, and it enhanced their orgasm frequency in comparison with other partners."

So, the takeaway is that you should only date funny guys, if you want to have great orgasms? Not quite.

The key to better and more frequent orgasms is truly being attracted to your partner on all levels. It's not just about how awesome their beard is, how much of Star Wars they can recite from memory, or even their rippling abs. It's about the whole package and being attracted to every little bit of the whole package, especially the funny bits.
