Trying To Have A Baby? Here's What Not To Do...

11 things to avoid for successful conception.

Trying To Have A Baby? Here's What Not To Do...

For maximizing your chances of conceiving, it is important to understand your body; this is the first step to successful conception. All women are different, it is not mandatory for every woman to have a menstrual cycle of 28 days; it can take place within 24 to 36 days. The length of the menstrual cycle is crucial and the time for conception is five days including the day of ovulation. When ovulation occurs, the egg is only viable for 24 hours and the sperm can last up to five days inside a woman. A healthy lifestyle sets the platform for successful conception; being in harmony with your body doubles your chances of becoming pregnant.


Things to avoid for successful conception

Following things are detrimental when planning a family:

  • Drugs: There are certain medications which are harmful and can affect your developing fetus; they may actually prevent conception. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for pain can make the lining of the uterus less capable for implanting your fertilized egg. There are also other drugs such as anticoagulants, antihypertensives and antibiotics which should be avoided if you are trying to conceive. But before discontinuing these drugs, it is good to talk to your doctor first.
  • Alcohol: Alcohol is the main cause of infertility in many women. Even the moderate amount is dangerous; it can increase your chances of miscarriage. If you and your partner are trying to have a baby, then both of you should quit alcohol; the negative effects of alcohol on your developing fetus cannot be denied. It is harmful even in small amounts and can decrease your chances of becoming pregnant.
  • Smoking: It has been very clearly shown that smoking anything can reduce the sperm count whether it is marijuana or nicotine. The lower sperm count decreases the ability of conceiving. Smoking affects your health; try to develop healthy habits to give yourself a chance to develop another life in you.
  • Caffeine: Excessive amount of caffeine can affect your ability to conceive, according to previous studies. There is a link between high consumption of caffeine and infertility which means you should also avoid all energy drinks, tea, chocolate or coffee. Don't exceed more than 200mg caffeine, a cup or two of coffee everyday have less effect on your fertility. You should check the labels to know how much you are consuming from other sources. Prefer a drink that doesn't contain caffeine.
  • Toxins: If you want to conceive successfully there are some household cleaners you should not use. Read carefully the labels and avoid using products that contains chemicals such as phthalates, oil based surfactants that contains alkyl phenoxy ehtoxylates as well as surface or carpet cleaners that contains EGBE. These are the harmful toxins that easily absorbs into the skin.
  • Hot Baths: For successful conception, hot temperatures of a hot tub should be avoided. Sperms are extra sensitive to heat and they can be destroyed by heat easily. Some time is required for sperm to develop, so hot baths should be avoided for at least 3 to 4 months before conception. Tight underwear and saunas should also be stopped completely to keep the sperm safe.
  • Tight underwear for Men: The style of an underwear can affect men's fertility. Men who are trying to conceive should wear loose-fitting underwear. Many fertility clinics suggest that men trying to conceive should wear boxer shorts and should avoid briefs. Briefs can increase scrotal temperature that can lessen motility and the production of sperm.
  • Diet: A healthy diet is crucial for successful conception. Don't eat fish that is high in mercury though Omega 3 fatty acids in required for the developing fetus. There are some fishes that are high in omega 3 and low in mercury such as chub, anchovies, salmon, rainbow trout, sardines, shad and whitefish. When you get pregnant, consume only these fishes.
  • Douching: Many women are in a habit of using vaginal douche, but you should stop using any douche if you want to conceive. The chemicals used in such solutions can change the pH of the vagina and can destroy the sperm.
  • Too much exercise: You must be careful not to overdo exercise when trying to conceive, it can have a bad effect on your fertility. Exercise is important to cut back the fat deposits, but you should properly maintain the duration and intensity of your exercises.
  • Weight Problems: Being overweight can affect fertility and is also associated with several health complications during pregnancy, try to be at your physical best. Most women are underweight which can affect their hormonal balance and affect the fertility drastically. Don't feel ashamed about your weight, join a fitness club or visit a nutritionist. Do regular exercise to keep your weight in check and to get enough oxygen for your body.



With each menstrual cycle, a fertile and normal couple has a 20% chance of becoming pregnant. Don't practice things that lower your fertility, try to be fit and happy by following a healthy lifestyle.