How To Remove Unnecessary Stress From Your Life

Stress happens to everyone but if you're experiencing more than normal, there could be a reason.


Even the most happy-go-lucky person has experienced stress at some point in their lives. In fact, stress is normal and in certain situations it makes sense to deal with it. What isn't healthy, however, is unnecessary stress. While each person handles stress in their own way, identifying and eliminating unnecessary stress is very important because if left unchecked, it can creep up on a person, causing havoc that could have been avoided in the first place.


What makes unnecessary stress hard to detect is the fact that it can be easily confused with normal everyday stresses. Below are just a few situations that could produce unnecessary stress. If any or all of these situations sounds too familiar with you, keep reading because there are also helpful tips and solutions to go with each situation.

Your Living Space is Cluttered and Unorganized

Being a little disorganized is one thing being constantly exposed to cluttered surroundings can make a person feel stifled, unhappy and stressed out. Leading a busy daily routine does cause some people to neglect regular cleaning and tidying up, resulting in weeks' worth of clothes, paperwork and other items stacking up to the point where it's unbearable.


If you start to find yourself stressing out or getting anxiety attacks when at home, look at your surroundings? Are things scattered all over the place? Do you have stacks of dirty and clean clothes everywhere except for hanging nicely in the closet or folded into drawers? Are there mounds of paperwork, bills and junk mail covering desks and countertops? Then it's time to do some serious cleaning and organizing.

Once the clutter has been eliminated, chances are you'll be able to breathe much easier. That feeling is the release of unnecessary stress. Your home, whether it's a studio apartment or a residential home, should be the one place where unnecessary stress doesn't intrude.

You Feel Lost or Unsure of Where You're At in Life

Nothing causes more unnecessary stress than not being happy with where you're at in your life. Working at a dead-end job, being in an unhappy relationship (or no relationship at all) and not accomplishing goals all contribute to feeling down and out, as well as super stressed. This type of situation is one that calls for reflection, a self evaluation and pinpointing which parts of your life are causing you stress.


Similar to the situation above, an effective approach is to organize your life. This means lining up all your ducks and seeing where you stand in each aspect of your life, including the mundane stuff like bills.

Sometimes we tend to get carried away with the day-to-day tasks, that we forget to make sure things are lined up for the future, especially financially. For example, carrying credit card debt and/or falling behind on bills is a surefire way to suffering from extreme stress. If you feel like you're swimming in debt or aren't sure where you stand with how much income is coming in versus your expenses each month, it's time to do the paperwork.

Start looking through all your previous bills or pull up any online accounts (for those of you that prefer paying and managing things on the Internet) and create a spreadsheet or utilize a bulletin board that clearly shows which types of debt you have and what the current balance owed is. Next, plug in which bills are you on track with and which ones are late or overdue. Also note how much the payments are and start prioritizing. Review your bank accounts and forms of income to calculate how much you can afford to pay on past due bills to bring those accounts back into good standing.

Sometimes all it takes is getting the finances straight to eliminate a lot of unnecessary stress. When your money is right, you will be, too.


Health Concerns

Stressing about things like your future due to a health condition? Dealing with a preexisting condition is understandably a major stress factor. However, it is important to learn how to prevent unnecessary stress about things that are not in your control. If you keep good communication with your doctor, that action alone can cut down on a lot of stress, as well as feeling secure that all of your paperwork and insurance is in order. Haven't paid attention to those things in a while? Then there's no time like the present to start.

Have you been recently diagnosed with a health condition? Instead of letting the diagnosis itself get the best of you, become proactive and start taking action to ensure that you know what steps to take to become the best you. Aside from making lifestyle changes and training your brain to think more positively, it's also vital to make sure your insurance reflects your most current situation. This might call for modifying your existing plan or researching other options on sites like

Perhaps the best way to curb unnecessary stress is to surround yourself with friends, family and other loved ones that represent positive support. Feeling loved and appreciated goes a long way for those dealing with the challenges of a health condition.


Too Much Drama That Isn't Yours

Stress is common in everyday life and so is drama. But both can be controlled and even eliminated when it gets out of hand. 9 times out of 10 unnecessary stress rears its ugly head because of drama brought on by friends and/or family members. Trying to help others with their problems is the definition of being a good friend but if their issues start to spillover into your life, guess what? It's a breeding ground for unnecessary stress.

Learn where to draw the line. If the people you're trying to help have the ability to help themselves, that's great. But if they seem to be relying on you for a solution to all their woes, let them know that can't continue. It may result in some hurt feelings but a true friend will realize what they're doing and understand where you're coming from.
