Video Shows Woman Giving Birth On Plane On Her Way To Her Vacation Weeks Before Due Date

She told the nurses that the baby was coming.

Woman giving birth on plane TikTok TikTok

We’ve all heard the stories of people giving birth in their car, on the toilet, and even in a supermarket, but one woman on TikTok gave birth over 30,000 feet in the air — on a plane.

A viral TikTok from one of the woman's relatives shows the woman after she gave birth mid-flight.

The woman gave birth on an American Airlines flight to the Dominican Republic

A TikTok posted by user pinkangel876, the mother’s sister, recounts how her sister gave birth to her newborn son in the air.


In an interview with WFSB, the Connenituct mother — Kendria Rhoden — spoke about what led to this.

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“Everything just happened so fast, it just happened so quick,” Rhoden said.


Rhoden was on her way to the Dominican Republic when midflight, she felt a kick. 

Luckily, there were nurses there to help Rhoden as she gave birth on the plane. 

“While I was asleep I felt someone kick me in my stomach and then my water broke. They were like ‘oh don’t push, don’t push because we don’t see any head. I’m like ‘the baby's coming!’” she said. 

Her newborn, who has since been named Skylen, was supposed to be born on October 23 but decided to come a little bit early in September.

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After his birth, Skylen and his mother spent some time in a hospital in the Dominican Republic but have since returned home. 


“I feel good now because I’m home and he’s safe, he’s where he needs to be right now. So, I would say I’m happier than I was in the Dominican Republic,” Rhoden said. 

Rhoden isn’t the first woman to give birth in the air. 

A mother in early 2022 gave birth on a flight from Ghana to the U.S.

Then, more recently in May, a woman gave birth on a Frontier Airlines flight. 

According to CBS News, “The plane was traveling from Denver International Airport to Orlando International Airport, according to a statement from Frontier Airlines. When the woman went into labor, a flight attendant identified by the airline as Diana Giraldo guided her to the back of the plane and helped deliver the baby.”


The CDC warns expectant mothers to prepare for anything in case they decide to fly so close to their due date. 

On the website, they also suggest making an appointment with their healthcare providers to better determine if they should go on their flight or not. 

For Rhoden’s newborn, she has listed his place of birth “in air.”


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Victoria Soliz is a writer with YourTango who covers news and entertainment content. Her work explores pop culture trends, film and TV, and celebrity news