Woman Says She Applies For Jobs On Company Time When Her Boss Micromanages Her — 'Stop Looking Over My Shoulder'

Being micromanaged can often lead employees to seek another place of employment.

Charnay TikTok

No one enjoys being micromanaged and having their boss breathing down their necks when assigned tasks to do.

When employees feel constantly monitored and have limited freedom to exercise their skills and judgment, it can lead to demotivation, disengagement, and a decrease in their job satisfaction. For one woman, she shared that exact same sentiment and criticized employers who can't trust their employees.


She revealed that she looks for other jobs on company time when her boss micromanages her.

In a video, TikTok user Charnay, who shares career advice and resume help to Gen Z and Millennials on her platform, issued a warning to bosses who are constantly micromanaging their employees.

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"If you give me a task and then you come back and question me about such tasks five times a day and I'm underpaid, I'm going straight to Indeed on company time," Charnay revealed, calling the decision, 'Finna Quit Wednesday.'


In the caption of her post, she pointed out that she wouldn't have to go looking for another job if an employer would just "stop looking over my shoulder."

In the comments section, many people agreed that micromanagers are incredibly hard to work under, and often will drive employees out of the company all on their own.

"You hired me because you felt I could do this job...why are you trying to do it with me..." one TikTok user pointed out, while another user added, "I had a micromanager for years. He just retired and we did not throw him a party. We partied after he left."

A third user chimed in, "I was dealing with that exactly foolery from one manager. She had so many people quit on her and she was trying to figure out why."


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Micromanaging has been proven to be incredibly toxic in work environments.

While there are sometimes certain levels of oversight that are necessary in some work situations, micromanagement can have several negative effects on employees and the overall work environment.

According to a Trinity Solution survey, via LinkedIn, 79% of employee respondents reported that they had experienced micromanagement. Of that, 69% said that they had considered quitting, and 36% of those individuals actually did.

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Constant scrutiny and interruptions hinder employees from focusing on their tasks and completing them efficiently. On top of that, employees may start to become overly dependent on their managers for even minor decisions, causing delays in the workflow and hampering overall team productivity.

While speaking to Forbes, Nora Robinson, a PR representative at Refresh Remodeling, said, micromanagers often resort to bullying tactics with the belief that it makes workers more productive, but it’s because they don’t know how to manage their team effectively. Oftentimes, these bosses view burnout as the price for productivity.

Micromanagement hampers employee engagement, productivity, creativity, job satisfaction, and professional growth. For people like Charnay, it can even lead to an employee leaving the company altogether.


It undermines trust, fosters a negative work environment, and can have long-lasting detrimental effects on both individuals and the organization as a whole.

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Nia Tipton is a Brooklyn-based entertainment, news, and lifestyle writer whose work delves into modern-day issues and experiences.