Middle School Bullies Allegedly Whipped A Little Girl, Called Her 'Slave' & Plotted To 'Sell' Her While A Teacher Did Nothing

The boy defended himself by saying he didn't even hit her that hard.

Dad talking to news, young girl being bullied TikTok/Wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

With all of the divisiveness and racial tension in the world right now, parents simply want to shield their children from being traumatized. Yet, Black students are being subjected to more and more racism from their peers at school and it’s having detrimental effects on their mental and emotional health.

A student in Gwinnett County, Georgia recently experienced some shockingly discriminatory behavior and a racist attack from her classmates at a Radloff Middle School in Duluth. It all started several months ago when a group of Hispanic children began calling the girl the ‘n-word.’


When she was allegedly 'sold' and whipped, the teacher did nothing about it.

The situation escalated on March 30, 2023, when the young lady returned home from school and told her parents that two boys in her class had assaulted her, and the teacher did nothing.

According to the girl’s father, Cameron Madison, two kids were conversing about his daughter. Madison alleges that one of them asked the other, “How much for your monkey?” in reference to Madison’s middle schooler.

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The other child responded that the girl would cost $450, which the initiating boy agreed to before turning to Madison’s daughter and Madison claims the boy replied, “Okay. I own you now. Do my homework slave.” After the girl refused the order, the boy allegedly began whipping her with a belt.


The teacher was allegedly there to witness the entire incident and finally asked the boys to leave the girl alone. Unmoved by the request, the boy reportedly continued to hit the young woman with the belt and the teacher failed to notify the school administration of the incident or take any disciplinary action against the hateful children.

After hearing about the incident from his daughter, Madison and his wife rushed to the school the next day and met with the principal who took decisive action.

The alleged aggressors were suspended immediately and had criminal charges pressed against them for assaulting their classmate. In addition, an investigation was launched into the teacher and her inaction. The principal also sent a letter home, calling what happened “despicable.”

The letter was shared on social media by one of the students who seemingly downplayed what he had done. When he posted it, he added a comment that read, “They’re acting like I killed someone. I didn’t even hit that hard.” Not only was he not remorseful for what he had done, but also sought the young lady’s address in an assumed plot for revenge.


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The girl’s parents could not believe their daughter was subjected to something like this at school and are not backing down when it comes to holding the children responsible for the attack and the teacher accountable. Madison told reporters, “I don’t think time heals all wounds when it comes to racism.”

On the school district’s part, they regret that something like this happened at the school and tarnished their reputation. They believe that most of the students there “foster the culture of acceptance and understanding” and hope to distance themselves from racism and discrimination moving forward.

Racism is a learned behavior, whether taught consciously or subconsciously. It’s not enough to not be racist around kids, you have to teach them to be anti-racist early on because according to Nationwide Children's, they start to understand racial stereotypes at around 2-5 years old and develop prejudices around 5-8 years old.


The loss of innocence for children victimized by racism is sad, but a reality of being a Black child. Parents have to walk the fine line between keeping them safe, and teaching their children pride and positivity, while not teaching them to be hateful and resentful themselves.

Kids should have the privilege of recognizing but respecting and celebrating differences between them and their peers without negative influences that put them at odds. Race and ethnicity are not subjects for schools to avoid, but rather to embrace so students are not left to figure it out on their own and get it wrong.

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NyRee Ausler is a writer from Seattle, Washington, and author of seven books. She covers lifestyle and entertainment and news, as well as navigating the workplace and social issues.