Bridesmaid Accused Of Trying To Steal Attention From Bride With Revealing Dress
Her best friend's fiance picked the dress.

Being a bridesmaid can be a difficult task, especially when trying to find a dress that won't detract from the bride.
One woman on TikTok is revealing the outfit of the choice she has been given, but comments think that the dress she has isn't appropriate wedding attire.
TikTok users are accusing the bridesmaid of 'attention-seeking.'
User "@pilyplum" shared a series of videos of her bridesmaid dress, which features a very low-cut top but her audience is shaming her — even though she had no say in the choice of dress.
"So my best friend let her fiance pick the bridesmaid dresses," she revealed in her video.
The dress, which is a blue floral gown, doesn't quite fit the TikToker in a way her audience seems appropriate, causing many commenters to accuse her of trying to steal attention away from the bride at the wedding.
Other users also put blame on the groom and questioned why he would choose this dress in the first place.
"Am I the only one who is like, that's a big red flag? Like, yes, it looks great, but, Uhm..." one comment said.
Others satirically joked saying, "Man knew what he was doing."
"I think BIG RED FLAG for your best friend, the focus should be on the bride and not the bridesmaid," another comment reads.
Other users noted that the whole point of the video was to show that it's difficult for people with large breasts to find a fitting dress that is appropriate for a wedding. So, by shaming the woman, they are proving this point!
In response to those telling her to cover up, the bridesmaid shared another video.
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She decided to try a blue tank top and wear it underneath her dress and showed the results.
Users agreed it looked perfect, but one suggested, "Get it altered. Take some fabric from the hem and add to the bust x."
Others suggest she change the color and go with a white color rather than blue, "I'd do a white cami top with a cute lace trim around the neckline."
The concerned bridesmaid has responded to several of her critics, hitting back at those who are accusing her of being provacative. The videos prove that women with certain body shapes are often unneccesarily sexualized even though another woman wear the same dress would not be treated this way.
As users have pointed out, it's not like she can just magically make her chest disappear!
Though, she may want to have a word with her friend's fiance to ask him whether she can switch out the dress for something less revealing if she wishes.
Kurtis Condra covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics for YourTango. He is also a poet based in San Francisco, California. You can keep up with his poetic journey on Instagram.