4 Types Of Guys Who Cannot Be Trusted, No Matter How Nice They Are
Enjoy looking for a relationship, but keep your eyes wide open.

He seems practically perfect when you start dating and falling in love. But not long after you decide to commit, he becomes needy, clingy, overbearing, and, sometimes, borderline controlling. Perhaps he even becomes distant and uncaring.
He had potential, but instead of fulfilling that potential, he left a trail of drama in your life. Worse still, this keeps happening to you.
Many women are attracted to and fall in love with the image of what a guy can become, not who he is at the moment. Many women confess to having been and fallen head-over-heels in love with a guy despite an abundance of warnings. Then, they gave the guy a second or third chance, only to be let down again.
You can familiarize yourself with the warning signs, so the next time a guy with one of these personality types crosses your path, you sniff them out from a distance.
Here are 4 types of guys who cannot be trusted, no matter how nice they are
1. Mr. says 'I Love You' far too quickly
He has very shallow emotions and connections with other people. One of the things that will probably attract you to him is how quickly he says he loves you and wants to commit to you.
Within a few weeks of dating, you will be the love of his life, and he will want to be with you forever. He will give you gifts and many promises and shower you with attention. You will be overwhelmed at how quickly things are progressing, but you will also be flattered.
This is a red flag because healthy people require a long process to develop relationships, as supported by a meta-analysis of relationship satisfaction across a life span from Psychological Bulletin. A well-balanced guy will wait to know a lot of information about you before offering a commitment.
This type of person lives in a fantasy world where nothing is real. He has superficial emotions and falls in and out of love on a whim. Indeed, he will detach from you as quickly as he committed.
Mladen Mitrinovic via Shutterstock
2. Mr. Jealous and Controlling
When you first start dating, you normally won't see any indication of the depth of his jealousy. With time, he will become possessive, overprotective, over-controlling, and even overbearing, as supported by research from Melissa Ann Newberry at the University of North Florida.
Your man will do everything in his power to cut off your support system, to control you. He will start by showing you how your friends treat you ‘badly’ and your family takes advantage of you. He wants you to withdraw from them so he can increase his control.
This is all about his insecurity. He will also check on you constantly and keep track of where you are and who you are with.
3. Mr. Perpetually Broke
When you first begin dating, your guy will insist on paying for everything. This is to give you a false sense of financial security. Slowly, he will start to milk you. Small ‘cash flow’ problems will set in, and it won't be long until you turn into his personal ATM.
More often than not, he lives on credit. The Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin demonstrates how this is complemented by a massive sense of entitlement since he spends way beyond his means.
Don’t be fooled by someone who showers you with lavish gifts at the beginning of the relationship. Eventually, you end up paying for all of them and then some.
The most unfortunate thing is that this type of guy will leave you with heartbreak and severe financial hardship.
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4. Mr. 'Me, me, me!'
These types of guys are incredibly selfish egomaniacs. He is completely obsessed with himself and his image, and it's always about him — never you.
He will talk about himself all the time and give you little time to speak. Your role is to make him feel good about himself and not bore him with all the minute details of your life, as suggested by a study published by the Public Library of Science One Journal.
He also lacks empathy and will not stop for a moment to ask himself how his actions are affecting you. Worse still, he will criticize you and embarrass you in public.
You will witness this egocentrism everywhere. He will be rude to the waiters or run other drivers off the road because he thinks he is the best thing that ever happened to the universe.
If you keep dating selfish, immature, and emotionally unavailable men like this over and over again, things need to change.
You've likely become so familiar with the pattern of frustration and heartbreak that you are almost becoming cynical about love. Before you give up on love completely, you need to learn to guard your heart against getting involved with poor-quality men who exhibit these 'red flag' personality types.
Women are socialized to be good at caring and nurturing, which is why you might think you can change bad boys and help them achieve their potential. You are so good at seeing your new man's potential that you can visualize what he could become someday. You are ready to be his savior.
Unfortunately, if you approach a relationship with this mindset, it will never work. For starters, the man will resent you for not accepting him the way he is and for pressuring him to change. On the other hand, you will loathe him for not becoming a better man for you.
These types of men are often charming — they know how to trick you into thinking they are guys of substance and integrity.
They learn this tactic after being rejected countless times by perceptive women. These guys are actors, and you have to be vigilant to figure them out.
They are good at stealing your heart and clouding your judgment. Before you realize what is happening, you will already be entangled in a complete mess.
If you have low self-esteem, you may often fall in love with these types of men and fall for their tactics.
We are almost always attracted to people who echo our inner dialogue, so how do you speak to yourself? What do you tell yourself in your quiet moments? What do you think you deserve?
If you examine yourself carefully, you find the people you date reinforce your self-talk. If you constantly question yourself and your value to the world. If you rarely feel good enough and you do not deserve better, you will attract men who reflect those same qualities.
Therefore, what needs to change is how you see and value yourself. Only then will you learn how to attract men of quality and build a beautiful relationship.
Ultimately, when you meet someone new, do not rush into things just because it feels so right at first.
Even if everything is going fantastic, wait and see to make sure they are genuine. Keep your heart and your pockets firmly locked until they have proven themselves.
There is no urgency. Do not move in with them, bet your life savings, or make other long-term plans during the first few months. Enjoy the relationship, but keep your eyes wide open.
When your guy is sincere, he will also want to know you better before he makes any big commitment.
Randy Skilton is a relationship coach with an Advanced Diploma in Social Science. His work has appeared on Psych Central, Lifehack, and Marriage.com where he educates others on enhancing the quality of their relationships.