3 Traits Men Possess That Unfailingly Attract Women
Trust me, every woman alive is looking for this in a man.

What if I told you that you could attract any woman you want? Yes, you — with your rather prominent nose, receding hairline, and all. You can have any woman as long as you know what women want. As a matter of fact, I'm not quite sure why you don't.
I recently attended a singles event where two guys stood out from the rest. Every girl in the place made it a point to chat with those two men, while other guys jealously watched their girlfriend exchange numbers with one, or both, of them.
One gentleman was about 5'10", of somewhat slender build and bold, and had less hair than a newborn baby's butt. The other man was about 6'2" and as round as a well-inflated beach ball.
So, what traits did these men possess that made the prettiest girls in the place swoon and shriek in excitement?
What they had in common is C.I.A. No, they were not members of the Central Intelligence Agency (although both probably harbored wanna-be James Bond fantasies at some point in their life).
Both gentlemen possessed three qualities that are essential to attracting any woman.
Here are three traits some men possess that unfailingly attract women:
1. Confidence
If you're a janitor or a CEO, regardless of how you look or what you do for a living, learn to enter and hold the room with confidence. Learn to own whatever it is that you do, and be the best at it.
If you're a janitor, be the best-dressed janitor. If you're an accountant, be the coolest and the hippest accountant. But just be the best you, and believe in it.
I know confidence doesn't come easy to many men, but trust me when I tell you that it's the single most important quality to have if you wish to attract a woman. Women smell, feel, and sense a lack of confidence. It repels them more than garlic vampires (bad breath repels women as well, but I digress).
Learn to master your own authentic confidence (not just faking it) if you have any hope of attracting the woman of your dreams. Be careful, however, not to turn confidence into arrogance. While confidence is an aphrodisiac, arrogance is a major turn-off.
2. Independence
I'm not referring to obvious financial independence. (Let's face it gentlemen, you need to have at least some money to go out on dates. That goes without saying.)
I'm talking about a different kind of independence though. To attract women, you must develop total independence from them. Sound confusing? It's not really.
Just tell yourself that no matter how good-looking, intelligent, or witty the girl is, if she's not into you, you'll find someone who is. Knowing that will keep you from appearing needy, clingy or desperate. A woman's attention and approval are nice, but don't need it.
Remember, we all want things we cannot have. Appear anxious or trying too hard and you automatically beg the question, "What's wrong with him?"
3. Appearance
The one thing women notice is your overall appearance. If you look like you don't care, why should she? You may only be able to afford one suit, but make sure it is a quality suit. And more importantly, your clothes have to fit your body type.
Today, most major stores perform alterations, and your neighborhood always has a tailor. Whatever you do, make sure your clothes fit you like a glove.
Not sure how to dress? Engage the services of a salesperson in the men's department. That's why they are there. They love sharing their expertise and will be happy to dress you head to toe. Remember, women will notice and remember the way you look. So make sure you always look good enough to meet the love of your life.
Yes, there are a number of other nuances you can learn to attract women. Those are numerous and diverse, but none are as important as the three above. So, start here and let C.I.A. take your love life to a whole new level.
Marina Margulis is a writer and matchmaker who believes dating should be easy and natural.