60 Tiny Things That Mean Yay! It's Real Love
Love is so many things, and it's also simply one important thing.

People say you know it when you feel it.
And while that's true, it's also frustrating.
To me, love is so many different things that it's easy to lose your grip on its meaning. Love is a feeling in the pit of your stomach sure, but it's also a choice. Love is a quickie in the bathroom or it's 60-year marriage. Or it's both.
Love is so many things to so many different people.
I thought I would try to write down examples of real love, and I don't know if I succeeded, but I think I got pretty close.
Here are 60 tiny things that mean it's real love.
Love is...
1. ... kicking down your walls
And hopefully being with someone who can actually help you build walls.
2. ... making yourself vulnerable
It's the scariest and most rewarding thing you can do.
3. ... taking a flying leap
Knowing someone will catch you.
4. ... thinking about someone else's needs
Even before your own.
5. ... putting those needs above your own
And anything else in your life.
6. ... is wishing you lived inside someone's head and heart
And it still wouldn't be close enough.
7. ... holding in your farts
This one is really important.
8. ... still being in love when you can't hold the farts in anymore
They knew it was bound to happen anyways.
9. ... saying yes to the universe
It will reward you.
10. ... going to his terrible office karaoke party
The things you do for love.
11. ... the way your heart glows when he smiles
It's the prettiest thing you've ever seen.
12. ... being able to lash out because you know he isn't going anywhere
He knows how to communicate effectively.
13. ... 3 a.m. dance parties in rural hotels
The most fun thing you could ever do.
14. ... hurting when they hurt
You hate seeing them crying.
15. ... trying stuff you always swore you'd never do
Love has turned you into someone who tries new things.
16. ... realizing how lost you'd be without them
They're like your own personal compass
17. ... saying goodnight every night no matter where you are
It's the little things.
18. ... when they let you sleep in even though they're up with the sun
How do they do it?
19. ... a cheesy disco party
You'll never wanna have a different kind of party again.
20. ... a bomb of glitter that you never have to clean up
They sparkle so much.
21. ... getting drunk off their skin
It's more intoxicating than vodka.
22. ... wanting to have their baby
And you know it would be the cutest baby.
23. ... bursting out laughing in the middle of a stupid fight
Only they could make you do that.
24. ... telling all of your secrets — even that one
Now you can hold this over them forever.
25. ... bringing your imaginary friend to life
They're like your best friend.
26. ... a safe place to fall
They're like home to you.
27. ... calling each other out on stuff that matters
They hold you accountable.
28. ... letting the stuff that doesn't matter go
None of it will matter in 10 years.
29. ... sharing a guilty pleasure
You both love to eat Oreos with peanut butter.
30. ... telling them about the scar on your shin
It's actually a really boring story, but still.
31. ... electric
Like lightning.
32. ... a battlefield
Like war.
33. ... breakfast in bed and the Sunday paper
Your favorite day of the week.
34. ... sitting together and saying absolutely nothing
It's beautiful how you can share silence with somebody.
35. ... not knowing if you're going to make it through this
But really, really hoping that you do.
36. ... making a promise you hope to God you can keep
And you will keep it.
37. ... a test
One you will pass.
38. ... an honor
You're proud to be with them.
39. ... from heaven
Most of the time.
40. ... from outer space, a drug sent by aliens to keep us sexed up and stupid
Thanks aliens!
41. ... the first time you had spaghetti
A weird but very memorable experience.
42. ... sitting together in the hospital waiting room
He gets scared of doctors.
43. ... slamming the door and swearing you'll never talk to him again
And then you text him two hours later.
44. ... your heart flipping over when he texts you
Every. Single. Time.
45. ... laughing so hard you pee a little
And then you make him laugh so hard he pees a little too.
46. ... suddenly turning into a cat person
You swore you would only ever have dogs.
47. ... nicknames
Suddenly you only answer to Snooky Muffins.
48. ... how your heart goes soft when you see his face right when he wakes up
Even with his mouth wide open and he's snoring.
49. ... swallowing your pride
Sometimes you have to apologize first.
50. ... buying him his favorite candy bar just because
Any time you go to the gas station you have to get him his favorite snack.
51. ... still thinking about him years later
You think you'll love them forever.
52. ... feeling nervous when you meet his friends
You really hope they like you.
53. ... hugging his mother for the first time
She made the person you love most in the world.
54. ... popping that zit on his back
It's gross, and it's love.
55. ... catching his eyes when you're putting on makeup in the mirror
And he winks at you, and you get all flustered and ruin your eyeliner.
56. ... a disaster
A beautiful one.
57. ... your undoing
And your making.
58. ... fighting as hard as you can to stay awake just to be together a little while longer
You never wanna go to sleep again.
59. ... all there is
It's everything.
60. Love is why we're here
It's the only thing that makes any of this worth it.
Rebecca Jane Stokes is an editor, freelance writer, former Senior Staff Writer for YourTango, and the former Senior Editor of Pop Culture at Newsweek. Her bylines have appeared in Fatherly, Gizmodo, Yahoo Life, Jezebel, Apartment Therapy, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, SheKnows, and many others.