6 Tiny Signs He Genuinely Respects You
Traits of a true, respectful gentleman.

The women who are dating already have a grasp of the various types of men available. There is the exciting and adventurous guy. But you don't want to introduce him to your family. Then there is the man who showers you with carefully chosen flower bouquets and other lavish gifts but is a little bland compared to the exciting and adventurous guy.
There is a third type. He's the one you don't come across as often. He is a respectful human, the courteous guy who opens the door for you (or anyone), is especially attentive, and is careful about his and your image. He's knowledgeable without flaunting it, has excellent manners, and knows how to treat people to make them feel special. This sounds like the guy for you, but what are the signs to look for to know if you are dealing with such a man?
Here are 6 tiny signs he genuinely respects you:
1. He doesn't just focus on your beauty
You won't hear compliments or remarks about your body parts from a respectful human. This is a quite visible first sign, as some men focus on your physical attributes and will likely create awkward situations. Respectful humans value you for your intelligence, personality, kindness, and dreams. He looks for those things that make you attractive as a person. He will not just check to see if you got lucky in the gene pool.
2. He has his own interests and hobbies
This doesn't mean you feel neglected by his hobbies or personal interests. Instead, he makes you curious about various activities and interests. Moreover, having his interests means he will not be clingy, desperate, or create his life around a relationship. He already has his own life, and his relationship adds to his happiness.
3. He doesn't feel intimidated by your ambition and success
Successful women can be challenged in the dating world because some men feel uncomfortable with a woman who seems more accomplished than them. However, a respectful human will never feel ostracized by this and will be a supportive and faithful ally alongside your dreams. He is someone you can create the ultimate power couple with and help you achieve whatever goals you envision.
Photo: Ana Luzes Shutterstock
4. He doesn't use manipulation tactics
You have found a good person when you know what he wants because he tells you. He is direct, so there won't be any mind games or manipulation tactics in your relationship. Honesty is his middle name and it's obvious through his actions.
5. He trusts and advises you
This type of man isn't paranoid about your phone agenda, messages, or e-mails. He doesn't try to invade your personal space or inquire you about everything you do. Your privacy is a strict place where you hold the secret key, and he knows it. Furthermore, he is a trusted adviser on intimate or sensible issues and doesn't ask awkward questions. On the other hand, an insecure man tries to destroy your confidence and ruins your relationship's foundation.
6. He is calm, responsible, and composed
When going out to a bar or a party, a woman will likely be hit on by other guys. This is a situation where most men fail the test. They get angry with other men and might make a scene out of it. The respectful human, however, makes his opinion known and solves the issue with the utmost tact and diplomacy. There are no bar brawls. Instead, he knows you are his partner, and at the end of the night, you are going home with him.
Mike Hatcher writes about open relationships, swinging and intimacy, and relationship advice for alternative lifestyles.