If You’re Single And Fed Up With Modern Dating, You Need To Hear This
We feel you.

Let’s be honest, dating has always been a little bit awful.
With all the uncertainty, the dating anxiety, and the “who pays at the end of the date?” stuff, it’s enough to stress anyone out. However, being single isn't always so great either.
But modern dating?
Well, dating today makes me want to poke my eyes out with ballpoint pens.
That could be because I’m a massive overthinker who will try to determine all the hidden meanings behind the text “K”.
Or it could mean that I’ve been burned too many times before by dating arrogant men who think it’s okay to tell you you’re exclusive when he’s texting someone else under the table.
Or it could just be that modern dating is utter crap.
I’m gonna go with the latter because shifting blame is fun!
If you’re single and fed up with modern dating, you need to hear this :
Let’s really drill down though, and take a look at why dating today has become such a cesspit of misery…
I spent nearly 14 years in back-to-back relationships and I used to hear all my single friends lamenting about how difficult dating was.
I shrugged them off with the kind of annoying platitudes you hope to never find on a greeting card: “There’s plenty more fish in the sea!”, “You’ll find someone when you least expect it”, and, the very worst one: “I sometimes think it would be fun to be single again.”
(Narrator: It would not be fun to be single again.)
To all my single friends, I’m sorry. I get it now. This is my own personal hell on Earth.
Firstly, technology has gone and screwed everything right up.
It used to be you only called people you really liked.
After all, talking on the phone is actually a bit of an effort, takes time, and is sometimes kind of awkward, so you’d need to be super-keen to actually pick up the receiver and give your potential date a ring.
Now we all bow down to texting, otherwise known as the king of all lazy communications.
But, typing letters into your phone still takes a little bit of effort, so let’s take it down a notch and cut and paste the same message and send it to 20 people.
Who cares if it’s impersonal? Dating’s a numbers game, right? More numbers, more chances! *Rolls eyes*.
Not to mention the waiting game.
Want an answer to a question you’ve just texted? Don’t pick up the phone and get one right away, silly! No, staring at your phone for days on end waiting for a reply that may never come! Such anxiety-inducing fun!
Then there’s the content in the actual messages, and, hello, non-committal, confusing responses!
No one asks you on a date anymore, they ask if you wanna “chill”, “hang”, or “meet up”. What do any of them even mean?!
Are you actually interested in me? Do you just want to sleep with me, or are you wanting something more serious?
Are you luring me out of my house to murder me? Who knows!?
After the awkward not-date, you wait patiently by your phone for four days, both of you playing text chicken to see who’s gonna message first. (Unless he’s already ghosted the crap out of you, in which case, boy bye.)
All the while you’re thinking, ‘Did he actually like me? Was that even a date? Are we just keeping it casual? Did he really mean that when he said “Let’s do this again?”?!!’
Don’t mind me guys, just casually rocking back and forth like a crazy person wondering what the hell “you look nice” actually meant!
“Why don’t you just ask the guy?” I hear you say.
Oh, you sweet, naive, pre-Tinder child… because people don’t show feelings anymore.
If you do, you’re not playing the “game” properly.
You can’t possibly tell someone how you feel about them. Oh, no. You have to act like you’re interested but also not interested at the same time, so they somehow know you’re keen but not so keen that they freak out.
You can’t text twice in a row, because then you look desperate.
You can’t tell someone if their behavior has pissed you off because you don’t want to look crazy.
You can’t “hang” more than one night in a row, because you don’t want to come off as clingy.
And if by some miracle, you do end up being able to ask the person where all this hanging is leading to, you have to curate your question so freaking carefully so as not to spook the guy if he’s not on the same page as you.
And the most screwed up irony of all this is that you’re going to all this effort to make it seem like you’re not going to any effort at all.
We’re turning ourselves inside out to seem like the apathetic “cool girl”. That. Is. Nuts.
So I am done with modern dating.
If I like someone, I’ll tell them. If it’s a date, I’ll call it one. If I want an answer, I’ll phone instead of text. If I feel like double texting, I'll do it. If I want to know if my casual hookup wants to go out with me, I’ll ask.
Because honestly, the right guy for me won’t be turned off by me being myself.
Girls, the same goes for you; only players and commitment-phobes get scared off when you refuse to join the game.
Who wants to date someone who is scared of dating? Not me.
So kiss my butt, modern dating. I know your game, and I’m not playing anymore.*
SHESAID has informed, inspired, and empowered women all over the world since its launch in 1999 with its expert advice and opinion in the realms of fashion, beauty, travel, lifestyle, health, love, parenting, and entertainment.