5 Common Relationship Problems That Are Stupidly Simple To Solve

You can get past these issues, no problem.

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Relationship problems and hang-ups are common, even in healthy relationships, but not doing anything about them will not help you as a couple.

The top causes of relationship hang-ups are fear, lack of trust, and jealousy.

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Here are 5 common relationship problems that are easy to solve:

1. Jealousy with your partner’s ex

This is the most common problem in a relationship and becomes pretty normal.


However, jealousy can make you think of bad things, do bad things, and say things that would hurt your partner.

2. No time to communicate

Some couples are busy with their careers or are in a long-distance relationship.

There are also those clingy partners who will make an issue if their partner forgets to text them in a day. They sometimes take it as a sign that their partner is not exerting enough effort.

3. Lack of affection

We all have ways of showing love and affection to our partner — our love language. It might be through physical touches, spending quality time, words of affirmation, showering gifts, or acts of service.


Some people misinterpret the love language their partner is using because it is not the love language they prefer. Thus, they think that their partner is showing less affection.

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4. Fear of being cheated on

They think that their partner is cheating on them, even if they have not done this to them yet or never will.

Just like jealousy towards their partner’s ex, being paranoid about being cheated on is one of the common problems in a relationship. This is caused by personal insecurities or previous experiences from the past.

5. Money issues

This is usually on the man’s side. When a man earns more than a woman, there is not much of a problem.


However, if the woman earns more than a man, it sometimes develops a sense of insecurity on his part.

You've probably noticed most of these relationship issues are the results of fear, lack of trust, and jealousy.

Fear that you are not good enough. Lack of trust in your partner that they are lying and cheating on you. And jealousy of other people within or around your relationship.

These are also traits of unhealthy relationships, which is the last thing you want.

There are many reasons people in a relationship get caught in relationship hang-ups. They might have a bad experience with their previous partner, a broken relationship with their family, or have witnessed failed relationships with friends or family members.


Some of these sources are grounds or reasons for relationship hang-ups you may be having with your partner.

couple calmly talking about problems

Photo via Getty

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How do you deal with these relationship problems? There are 3 simple but effective ways.

1. Build trust with your partner

Trust is the cornerstone of every healthy relationship. If you do not trust your partner, you will never be at ease in your relationship.


Talk to your partner and be open to each other. If you had an experience being cheated on in the past and that is the reason why you are having trust issues, then tell your partner about it and try to work on something so you both know how you can deal with it.

2. Learn how to be more confident

If you have low self-esteem, you will become an insecure person. So, the first step to being confident is to accept who you are and embrace your flaws. Remember that nobody is perfect.

Next is to appear confident. Present yourself well by making time for your hygiene, dress well in clothes that make you feel good about yourself, stand up tall and straight, give genuine smiles, and make eye contact when communicating.

Focus on your best attributes. Acknowledge the compliments people give you. Hold on to those who remember your past accomplishments. Realize how great you were.




3. Decide to let things go

We all have a choice to dwell on the pain or let it go, so commit to letting it go.

Stop reliving the past or entertaining the story running in your head that is not true or doesn’t exist — that you are the victim in your relationship.

Focus on the present and where you are in your relationship. If we let all the negativity of the past in our lives, we will have little to no room for positivity.


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Esther Bilbao helps mentor women to have better relationships, health, and personal development.