6 Cat-Like Ways To Attract Nearly Anyone
Cat-like ladies are more likely to find love.

People who like pets usually enjoy referring to themselves as either dog people or cat people, but your preference doesn't matter except when it comes to your allure, which you can learn from a real expert, a cat.
I had made so many mistakes in the past and I didn't have a clue what I was doing. So, I decided to be more cat-like in my relationships. I eventually learned how to be happy in a relationship by focusing on my inner cat.
Here are 6 cat-like ways to attract anyone:
1. Don't be so eager to please
Cats like attention and care, but they don't depend on it for survival. Cats aren't people pleasers, and neither should you. Being over-attentive to others damages ourselves and harms interpersonal connections.
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2. Insist on the attention you deserve
Think about a hungry cat in the morning, will they let their human sleep through feeding time? When cats have a need, they let you clearly know the need and won't stop until the need is satisfied. It is not self-serving, it is self-enhancing behavior.
3. Never be loyal to someone who abuses you
Cats won't stick around if you treat them poorly. A missing cat sign often indicates a cat who had enough of the poor behavior from their human, so the cat left the relationship.
4. Don't wait for someone's approval
Cats don't care if you approve or not. A cat knows when they are awesome and will often alert a human to the fact of their awesomeness so the human can bask in the cat's glory.
5. Don't beg for love
A cat either wants your love or doesn't. There is no convincing the cat, otherwise you might get the claws. Yet, when a cat consents to your love, they appreciate it with all of their being.
6. Relax at all times
Cats can relax so totally because they are at peace with who they are. Nothing is more alluring than being stretched out full length for a nap like a cat.
More cat-like qualities to increase your allure:
- Cats are independent.
- Cats are unpredictable.
- Cats are playful.
- Cats are curious.
- Cats embody a sense of mystery.
- Cats won't always come when you call.
- Cats keep themselves well-groomed.
- Cats know what they want and don't want.
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Visualize a cat mentor
It's a challenge to embody these qualities if you're used to being cat-like. One thing you can do to help you be more cat-like is to keep an image of a particular cat in mind. Call on that cat whenever you feel you are going into that people-pleasing behavior.
Cats will keep you under a love spell. Whatever they want, you're happy to give it to them. They don't always seem grateful and will keep you guessing. But at night, when a cat curls up to sleep beside you, you know you are loved and appreciated. They make you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
That's how we want to feel in a relationship — that's the allure of relishing your inner-cat.
Virginia Clark is a relationship coach with decades of experience, and the author of It's Never Too Late to Marry: How to Have the Man and the Marriage of Your Dreams.