Woman Feels 'Degraded' After Finding Out Her Partner Gave His Sister-In-Law The Same Valentine's Day Gift
While some sympathized with her feelings of insecurity, others defended her boyfriend's gesture as a compassionate act toward his grieving sister.

A woman is seeking advice regarding an unsettling revelation she discovered about her boyfriend’s Valentine’s Day gift to her after she received a message from her sister-in-law and learned that she was not the only recipient of her partner’s gift.
Karoro discovered that her boyfriend sent his widowed sister-in-law the same Valentine’s Day gift as her.
Karoro, a content creator based in South Africa, took to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share her honest feelings about her boyfriend gifting his sister-in-law the same thing he got her for Valentine’s Day. She explained that her boyfriend's sister-in-law was recently widowed, and a few days after Valentine’s Day, she received a phone call from her.
“[She] phoned yesterday asking me to thank my partner for buying her a Valentine’s present,” she revealed.
Although Karoro had no idea that her boyfriend had also gotten his sister-in-law a gift, she acted as if she did while they were on the phone. As they continued speaking, the woman was stunned to learn what her sister-in-law had received from her partner.
“Guess what ladies, it’s the same present he bought me,” Karoro shared.
She admitted that she felt ‘degraded’ by her partner buying her and her sister-in-law the same gifts.
“I am very angry and feel degraded. How could he buy both of us the same present?” Karoro asked. “The big issue here is why [is he] buying her a gift in the first place on top of doing it behind my back. He has a lot of explaining to do, a good one too.”
Photo: anilakkus / Canva Pro
Although she didn't specify what the gift was, she wondered if she was overreacting, and asked others if she was “missing something.”
Karoro received mixed reactions from X users.
Some people agreed with Karoro, believing that her partner should not be giving the same treatment he gives his girlfriend to his sister-in-law.
“I suggest you tell him how thoughtful it was of him to honor his brother like that. Then ask him in future to not buy you both the same gift,” one X user commented. “I don’t think he meant to insult you. He was just lazy!”
“Is your man trying to marry her because him keeping it a secret is suspicious,” another user wrote.
Photo: Prostock-studio / Canva Pro
However, the majority of people believed that Karoro’s partner did nothing wrong, and was simply showing compassion for his grieving sister-in-law on what he knew would be a difficult day for her. They did not hesitate to brand Karoro as “insecure” and criticized her for being more concerned over a materialistic item than her partner’s kind actions.
“Your partner lost his brother and bought the same gift for you and the brother's widow? Maybe he figured you have good taste and what makes you happy would also make another woman smile?” one X user pointed out. “Seems harmless. Actually seems very sweet in my opinion.”
“You’re about to lose your partner. The fact that you will see him buying his sister-in-law a gift when she’s literally still grieving the loss of her husband (his brother) is sick,” another user commented.
While it would certainly be suspicious if your man was buying gifts for other women behind your back, these are special circumstances.
Karoro’s partner most likely was not trying to hurt her or fuel her insecurities, but rather thinking of his sister-in-law on her first Valentine’s Day without her husband. He likely wanted to do something that would make an unimaginable day for her just a little bit easier.
However, it is clearly something that bothers Karoro, and that makes it worth addressing with her partner. Communication is key, and perhaps she will be able to understand his intentions better after a discussion.
Still, we are glad that there is still someone thinking about her partner’s sister-in-law on Valentine’s Day reminding her that no matter what their relationship is, there will always be someone out there who cares about her.
Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.