7 'Crimson Flags' That A Relationship Has No Viable Future
Signals that a relationship is going nowhere.

Life is a series of challenges. There are some essential qualities your relationship needs to survive the challenges. If these don't exist you have very little chance of living happily in your long-term relationship.
Every relationship is different, but they all have the same basic requirements. If these aren't available, a relationship is doomed.
Here are 7 'crimson flags' that a relationship has no viable future:
1. Lack of trust
Does your partner have your back when it counts, or are they always taking everyone else's side but yours? When your partner is telling you he has to work late, do you believe him?
Trust is necessary to make a relationship last, otherwise, you'll spend the rest of your life with someone who, every time they speak, you'll never be able to believe them. According to research, a trustworthy partner will behave in ways that are both competent and cooperative.
2. Lack of respect
There must be mutual respect, or a relationship won't last. Do you respect the decisions your partner makes? Do you value his opinion on important decisions?
3. No admiration or gratitude
Do you “like” the person you are in a relationship with? Do they "like" you? When one of you is having an off day, is the other available to pick up the slack?
How important is gratitude in a relationship? Research shows that expressing, and showing gratitude for those we care about can improve the relationship by bringing us closer to the other individual, and leading to sustainability in our relationships.
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4. Conditional love
Do you and your partner love each other no matter what? Or are either of you with the other just because it's convenient, or because they offer you something? Love shouldn't be filled with conditions.
5. No acceptance
Do you feel your partner accepts who you are and you accept who they are, no matter what? Are there things about their past that bother you, or you can't get over?
6. No comfort
Can you be yourself with your partner, or do you feel you have to constantly hide yourself? You're scared to tell them about your past or open up because they might judge you.
Being comfortable, not just with yourself, but also with a partner will allow you to be vulnerable and reap all the rewards love can offer you.
7. A lack of vision
Can you see yourself growing old with your partner, or this is just a summer fling to you? Do you want the same things in life, or does this relationship have an expiration date?
A relationship requires two different people coming together who want the same thing, if there's any kind of confusion or uncertainty on what the future will look like for you two, it's time to end the relationship.
These are the building blocks of a functional relationship. You must have a strong foundation to build upon. If you don't, the relationship will not withhold the stresses and conflicts that are inevitable. Seek help for guidance on this if you are not sure.
Jennifer Rosvally, MSW, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, social worker, singer, and poet. In her private psychotherapy practice since 1986, she works with individuals, groups, couples, and families using an eclectic approach.