Pregnant Wife Revokes Her Husband's 'Right' To Name Their Baby After He Secretly Gave $45K Of Their Money To His Parents
Open and honest communication surrounding finances is vital for a healthy marriage.

Nearly every couple argues about money at some point. It’s a part of life and something that people don’t often easily agree on.
One husband and wife recently found this to be all too true.
A woman found out that her husband gave $45,000 to his parents without her consent.
When a pregnant wife found out that her husband went behind her back to send his parents a large sum of money, she contemplated some serious consequences, according to her since-deleted Reddit post.
The woman explained that she and her husband Garry are expecting their first child in just over three months. “Overall, Gary is an excellent spouse," she wrote. "However, he has an issue regarding his relationship with his parents.”
The wife shared that Gary’s family “lived in extreme poverty for most of his life.” Gary and his brothers have secured good-paying jobs in their adult lives and help their parents. It’s become a bit too much for Gary’s wife, though.
“The biggest issue I have with Gary is that he spends excessively on his parents,” she wrote. “Around the time we met, he had just taken out a mortgage on a nice house for them. This strained our relationship.”
His wife recently noticed that Gary seemed poised to make another big purchase for his parents.
“In the past few weeks, I’ve noticed Gary talking a lot with his brothers about buying something else for their parents,” she stated. “I was curious, so I asked him, and he mentioned something about how he and his brothers wanted to buy a car for their parents since their old one was starting to have issues.”
In response, Gary’s wife reminded him to be mindful of the personal expenses they would have coming up. “I asked him not to spend too much because we’re expecting a baby and don’t know what expenses will arise in the coming months. He reassured me that he wouldn’t,” she said.
But, instead of backing off, Gary seemed to move forward with his plan. He began working longer hours, and his wife overheard him mention an upcoming big purchase to a friend.
Unsure of what to do, the wife took drastic action. “I’ll admit this next part may seem wrong, but I was frustrated with his late hours, so I logged onto his home laptop,” she revealed. “I saw that on Tuesday, he made a $45,000 wire transfer.”
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She also read WhatsApp messages between Gary and his brothers detailing their plans to buy their parents a $105,000 car.
She was furious. She tried to get Gary to cancel the purchase, but he argued that they had plenty of money. So, she gave him an ultimatum.
“I got so angry, angrier than I’ve ever been, and I told him that since he spent this kind of money without telling me, he lost his privilege to name our daughter,” she said.
Although they had the money to spare, open communication regarding finances is important in a relationship.
In an update to her original post, the wife shared that Gary’s yearly income is about $763,000. Looking at it from this perspective, they really did have plenty of money for Gary to give to his parents.
However, the bigger issue is his lack of communication. Gary made a huge decision that affected his whole family, including his unborn daughter, on his own and in secret. He assumed that he knew what was best for everyone.
It’s not surprising that his wife would take issue with this. According to SoFi, it’s best for couples to make financial decisions together, particularly because “disagreements over money is a leading cause of divorce.”
As one commenter pointed out, "It’s not about the money. It’s about respect." The fact that he spent so much money without a conversation shows a lack of care and will likely damage the woman's trust in her husband.
In the end, there’s no right or wrong answer here — just a couple who are going to have to work through their problems together, hopefully with more open communication.
Mary-Faith Martinez is a writer for YourTango who covers entertainment, news, and human interest topics.