Mom Says If She Texts A Family Member Her Children’s Sports Schedule It’s Their Responsibility To Show Up For All 4 Kids' Games
“I’ve done my part by sharing the schedule.”

In a recent TikTok post, mom Caitlin Nickel shared the parenting struggle she faces during her kids’ sports season — the people who just don’t show up. Whether it’s a family member or a close family friend, she can’t help but notice when people “don’t make the time” to show up for her kids’ soccer matches, softball games, or wrestling camps.
She argued that she’s present at every single one of her kids’ sporting events — including coaching several of her kids’ teams — so there’s really no excuse for other people to not show up, especially if she’s given them the schedule. “Look at your calendar, look at the sports schedule, and see if anything lines up…that’s your responsibility.”
Nickel said if she shares their schedule with family members, it's their ‘responsibility’ to show up for her 4 kids’ sporting events.
Nickel, who has dedicated her TikTok platform to sharing the day-to-day of navigating motherhood and her relationship, has sparked a considerable amount of debate under a recent post about kids’ sports. Is it a sensitive subject because little kids’ sports are insufferable to sit through or because people feel inherently called out by her argument?
Nickel knew her argument might “ruffle some feathers,” and it surely did.
She laid it out bluntly. “If I send you all 4 of my kids’ schedules for sports, it’s your responsibility to show up. Let me repeat that… it is your responsibility to show up for my child.”
Nickel simply doesn’t want to carry the burden of sending reminder checks every game, following up, or having to tell her kids their aunt didn’t come — just come.
She argued that if a family member promises to be at a sporting event, they have no choice but to show up — ‘They will notice, and so will I.’
Whether it’s a softball game for her 4-year-old — surely complete with tons of home runs and exciting plays — or her older boys’ wrestling matches, Nickel expects people to make good on their promises, at least for the sake of her kids.
“With all of that being said, I know that it’s a lot to show up to all four kids’ sports. We have soccer, track, wrestling, football all year long. We got it all,” she added. “Trust me that it’s all on my schedule, and I show up for everything. I never miss it, but I know that it’s a lot. But, if you tell my kid that you’ll try to come, you bet… you should be in the bleachers cheering them on.”
Her involvement is “what really matters,” alongside her “tribe” of people who care and raise her children. However, her argument carries some weight. When you make a promise to a child about cheering them on, coming to their events, or just showing up, they’re going to notice when you forget.
Not only does showing up for sporting events relay a sense of commitment and love to young players, but it’s also a reminder that you’re someone they can count on. It’s a lot of work, yes. Everyone has busy schedules, demanding work lives, and families of their own, but it’s important to make time to cultivate healthy relationships and bonds with people you value in your life, or they’ll quickly dissipate.
Commenters were divided over Nickel's sentiment, with some arguing that it’s only the ‘parents’ responsibility’ to show up and others admitting they have similar attitudes.
While most parents and viewers of the video agreed with Nickel, many had problems with the “entitlement and expectation” of it all.
“They’re your kids, you’re the one who chose to have 4 of them,” one person wrote. “You’re the only person who is ‘responsible’ for showing up to their games… and showing up is the bare minimum for a parent, right?”
Maria Sbytova /
There are a lot of expectations placed on parents, especially single mothers like Nickel. The expectation is to always do the right things, say the right thing, and be perfect people for their children to look up to. It doesn’t seem like she is trying to call anyone out or hurt anyone’s feelings, although many commenters seemed to feel attacked.
At the end of the day, everyone can agree on one thing — it’s important to show up for your children and the kids you care about. It takes a village to raise children, or at least it should. Try to make time for the little ones in your life.
Zayda Slabbekoorn is a News & Entertainment Writer at YourTango who focuses on health & wellness, social policy, and human interest stories.