Stay-At-Home Mom Lost Custody Of Her Son Because A Judge Decided That A Military Family Was ‘Too Unstable’ For A Kid

Her military family is the only one her son has ever known.

military family New Africa / Shutterstock

A military wife and stay-at-home mom was devastated after a judge ruled that she would no longer have primary custody of her son.

The judge stripped the mother of custody because growing up in a military family would be ‘too unstable’ for him.

Military mom AJ Augie never imagined that she would lose custody of her young son Riley, given the fact that his biological father had no interest in being involved in his life.


According to Augie, she and her ex-husband divorced nearly five years ago after he admitted that he did not want to be a father. After she moved in with her parents, she started dating again and eventually married a Marine.

When he was stationed three hours away from their hometown of San Diego, Augie, and Riley, both moved there with him. 

@ajaugie Need 2,523 more followers to be able to sell on tiktok shop and start making an income to pay for the attonery fees #lifeafterdivorce #militaryspouse #singlemom #boymom #remarried ♬ original sound - AJ Augie| SAHM & Mil.Spouse |

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Around the same time, Augie's ex started dating a new woman; he decided to impress her by being an active father in his son’s life. 

Augie and her ex agreed that he would be able to have Riley every other weekend. However, the distance made it difficult, so they decided to take the situation to family court.

It, unfortunately, backfired horrifically after a judge ruled that being in a military family would be too unstable for Riley and that he would be better off with his biological father.

Augie claimed that the judge was new and unfamiliar with family law and was biased against military members. 

“Today is day nine of not talking to my son because dad won’t let us talk to each other,” a tearful Augie recapped in a TikTok video.

@ajaugie Today has been awful but 5 more days untill get to see him again…. For those who have asked I did add a go fund me to my page, thank you for any and all support. #singlemom #brokenlegalsysystem #militaryspouse #boymom #lifeafterdivorce #remarried #reach5k ♬ original sound - AJ Augie| SAHM & Mil.Spouse |

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She is concerned about Riley’s well-being, given that his father does not interact with him or spend much time with him while he is in his care. “He has not spent more than an hour with him a day,” she claimed. 

Now, AJ says that she is “fighting like [expletive]” to regain custody of her son and bring him back home to the only family he’s ever known.


However, hiring an attorney has proven to be extremely pricey.

Augie decided to launch a GoFundMe to help cover legal costs and open a TikTok shop where she could sell items to followers. Her goal is to reach $5,000 to start the process and develop a fair custody agreement moving forward. She thanked all of her supporters who have donated thus far. 

Contrary to the judge's ruling, many people argue that military homes are perfectly stable for children.

“I was in a military family, and while moving around was hard, being away from my military dad would have been even harder,” one TikTok user shared.

@its.sarahjohnson You hear it all the time… Military kids are resilient. However, I see so much more. ✨ I honestly used to feel slightly guilty for the constant moving. However, now I realize its a blessing and it’s contributing to their lives in so many ways. Our recent news of a NEW duty assignment (Japan) made me realize all this: -my 2 oldest are already using apps to learn Japanese-they are amazing travelers-they seek adventure -they are already studying Japanese culture, & foodsThey are viewing this move as an amazing opportunity to learn about the world and this makes me incredibly happy. I realize they seek positive in a lot of things in life. What is good about this situation? They adjust amazingly to change (which is inevitable and sometimes necessary in life)…and I’m just so incredibly proud of them 🤍 #milspouse #militaryfamily ♬ original sound - Sarah ✨

“Military kids grow up to be the most resilient and well-rounded kids,” another user wrote.


Even if military families have to relocate to where they are stationed, all children need from their parents is unconditional love and support, which truly makes a home stable.

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Megan Quinn is a writer at YourTango who covers entertainment and news, self, love, and relationships.