Want to make tonight meaningful and feel closer than ever to that special someone?


New Years Eve is a party night.  Lots of people associate tonight with drinking champagne, dancing, watching the ball drop and staying up all night long. 

But if you're like many couples, by December 31st you are exhausted from a long month of holiday gatherings, gift buying and cleaning up.    You've had family around for weeks, the kids are home from school and the house is in chaos.  Parties, spending money, traveling; they can all take their toll.  By the end of the year you may be exhausted and a quiet night at home with that special someone might sound great right about now.


But dont go to bed too early!  December 31st is the time to create a  new and important ritual for you and your partner.  Make tonight something really special.  Use this time to find a new intimacy and connection and share something new.

First, create a New Years Eve ritual.  Light a fire in your fireplace, fire pit, or outdoor barbecue, (or find a candle that burns safely without creating a hazard.)  Take a moment to each write down something you want to let go of from 2011.  It might be a feeling from the past year, an attitude or anything that has been holding you back.  Fold the paper and throw it into the fire, or hold it over the candle and watch it burn.  Take a deep breath and let yourself really feel the energy lift as you let go of whatever has been bothering you or keeping you unhappy.  Feel yourself letting go, and together, committ to being free of your burdens from 2011.


Now write down one thing you want to bring into your relationship for 2012.  Share with your partner what you have written.  Give them the gift of what you want to bring to their life in the New Year.  Toast midnight together on the promise of the new energy that you will bring in together, creating a new year that holds a relationship you both look forward to.

This gift for the New Year is more powerful than you realize.  Setting an intention on the stroke of midnight is a strong reminder that the ritual that you create together will bind you throughout the New Year in love and hope.

Share the night with someone you care about.  Spend New Years letting go of the past and look forward to a brand new and wonderful relationship together.

This is my wish for you; have a Happy New Year and best of everything to you and your loved ones for 2012!


Tammy Nelson, PhD
