Change Your Look, Attitude & Your Life (Down To Your Underwear)

Why do we need a reason to care about how we look? Shouldn’t we always take pride in our appearance?


One day on a calendar shouldn’t be the only reason to make a difference in our attitude. Some people need to have an excuse to alter their outlook and behavioral patterns. Birthdays & New Year’s Day seems to be the focal point for many people to make those changes but why does everyone need a particular date to do this?

Why do we need a reason to care about how we look? Shouldn’t we always take pride in our appearance and attitude? Brushing our teeth is a necessity but also makes us feel good. Why stop there? Some people take vanity to a level of conceit but then there are the people who really try hard to make the opposite statement.


If you are single, why would you go to the super market or a movie in your sweatpants and no makeup on, and then complain how terrible you looked when you ran into a really attractive guy? If you care enough to make a comment about how bad you looked, why go out in public like that?

Most people really do care how they come across physically but pretend they are the salt of the earth. There is a happy medium and you can truly change your life with the right attitude. When you have sexy underwear on, do you not feel different?

When someone turns their head to look at you, does it not put a spring in your step?


Changing your look and attitude will help change your life in all areas. This is not just about relationships. See how it changes your business attitude. It is only about making two or three changes. Makeover shows are popular for a reason. One piece of clothing or a new hair cut can change your attitude, which ultimately changes how you think. It is what happens when you go beyond your comfort zone. It is a door opener! Even just one flirtacious glance or compliment can bring you a refreshed outlook.

Acknowledgement is a part of life that starts as an infant; making our parents smile from our first word, to their applause when we take our 1st step. It is what motivates our actions. It just escalates as we grow. How many men do you know that still look for approval from their father? How many women need to be told they look great? If we get nothing back on a continual basis, most of us retreat into a lethargic place.

Pats on the back are adolescent building blocks!

If your life is void of encouragement, how do you start to feel good about yourself and build confidence? Start by caring about yourself and how others perceive you. Make people notice you. The easiest way is to dress like you care and actually like yourself.
If this is uncomfortable for you, ask a friend to help. Tell them to be gentle as this is new territory and you don’t want any negativity. Buy one article that is out of your comfort zone but within your age group. Take care of your hair and change the style every year or two. Wearing toques and baseballs hats shows apathy & lack of respect when out for an evening.


Some people go to great lengths to put out, “I’m too cool to care,” but realistically everyone does to some degree. Listen to how people treat you. If they are giving up their seat for you on the bus and you are only 45, you need to re-evaluate your lifestyle! An inexpensive makeover and attitude adjustment will work wonders for your self esteem regardless of each approaching birthday. Embrace change and life with a passion to keep your spirit young forever.

Susan McCord @