Is Your Relationship Lacking Mature Masculine Presence?

Inspired, amazed, in awe, excited, proud, grateful, blessed and totally turned on!


That's how I felt this past week when my husband Paul showed me the content that he is teaching next week at our Relationship Breakthrough Retreat on Mature Masculine Presence!

It's just inspiring to listen to a man so rooted in his Mature Masculine Presence speak about what it means to be rooted, immovable, confident and decisive. To lead from his heart, act with honor and integrity, take action because it's the right thing to do and ALWAYS, ALWAYS be in service to his woman!


As Paul teaches it, a man who is connected to his masculine presence knows who he is, knows what he wants, and nothing will get in his way of getting to that outcome. I love to listen to him teach the difference between the immature and mature masculine!

We've all run into the immature masculine: that's a confident, rooted and decisive man connected to his masculine energy who will let nothing get in his way of getting to his outcome—but it is HIS outcome. He is acting from his ego, selfishly for his own gain, in spite of others, in spite of his woman. He's not doing what is best for her, but using whomever he needs to in order to meet his own needs. YUCK!


In contrast, the Mature Masculine understands his woman deeply. He can reach into her heart and feel what she needs and wants. His purpose is to serve, protect and provide for her. And doing all three of those things fills him up, gives him the win, fulfills his purpose!

So many women come to me who desperately want their man to step up in his mature masculine and come from this place for them!

I will tell you, it is AMAZING to be the woman Paul Martino lives to serve. There's no question! And if you know me at all, you know I am the most grateful little girl on the planet!!!

Two key points I will share with you.

One, as Paul tells his story, many years ago, Paul was completely disconnected from his masculine presence. It was very much there, under the surface, but he was shoving it down and disconnecting from it intentionally because in his youth he was repeatedly told to keep his INTENSITY in check.


It was in his adult life that he cultivated his masculine energy into the mature masculine presence that he effortlessly lives in today! Paul believes that all men who have a masculine core have masculine energy inside. They might not be connected to it right now, but it can be TAUGHT!

Two, I will say that when I was living in my masculine, I was not creating the environment for Paul to connect to his masculine to serve, protect and provide for me.

Many years ago, I was serving, protecting and providing ALL for myself. He wasn't really NEEDED in that way when he came into my life. Thank G-d that changed!

Ladies, it's a vulnerable act and one you may not be ready for, but you must surrender to his serving, protecting and providing if you want him to step up and connect to his masculine.


You can take baby steps—it doesn't have to be all or nothing.

You can lean into it and cultivate your feminine radiance in ways that feel authentic and comfortable, but it may feel like a bit of a stretch at first. Take baby steps into it!

On Day Two of the Relationship Breakthrough Retreat, Paul and I will spend the entire afternoon teaching, demonstrating, and giving breakthrough experiences to the attendees...all about Masculine and Feminine energy!

Oh my gosh, the experiences we have planned! So excited!!!

Sending love,


Stacey Martino helps people who feel stuck, frustrated and helpless with the challenges that intimate relationships bring. Through targeted, strategic private coaching, programs and events for her Relationship Transformation™, Relationship Rescue™ and Relationship Transition™ programs, individuals learn to use her proven strategies and tools to create an unshakable love and unleashed passion that lasts a lifetime.


Stacey firmly believes that it absolutely does NOT take two to tango, that one person can significantly shift the dynamics of the relationship. Clients have praised Stacey for helping them to see massive results in record time. Formerly known as "The Ice Princess", Stacey is intimately aware of what it takes to transform oneself to be ready to both give and receive love and passion like you have never experienced before.

Download Stacey's free audio program, "How to Transform Your Relationship in Eight Steps," here.