6 Gifts Your Boyfriend REALLY Wants For His Birthday
Don't get it a wrong again.

Women totally expect thoughtful gifts for their birthdays, but sometimes fail to return the favor, perhaps assuming we guys don’t care as much simply or maybe thinking we don’t want anything just because we don’t tell them what we want.
Ladies: The special guy in your life cares just as much about being remembered as you do. Proving your love to your man on this special day can be a great thing for your relationship and will bring you closer together, so it’s in your best interest to come through.
That doesn’t mean it’s easy to come up with birthday gift ideas for your boyfriend, though, which is why I'm here to offer some help. If you’re struggling with what to get your boyfriend for his birthday, check out the following guy-approved birthday gift ideas:
1. A really nice wallet or a thoughtful memento
Among the most obvious birthday gifts for him are traditional items like leather wallets, belts or jackets, nice shoes, pocketknives or watches. If your man appreciates quality things, then this might be all you have to do to show him how much you care. If you want, you could even get them engraved.
If your man isn’t so into these kinds of things but does like a nice memento, consider something a little closer to his interests as I explain on my site. If he likes Star Trek, go ahead and buy him that Klingon sword he’s been lusting after. More of a gamer? A new console or gaming rig can really do the trick, or even just that special controller he’s had his eye on. Whatever you choose, match it to what he already loves and you’ll be fine.
2. Season tickets to his favorite sports team
The phrase “season tickets” usually sets off alarm bells in our heads. Not only does it sound expensive, but many of us aren’t quite as into sports as our men folk. Never mind that, though. Getting him a pair of season tickets is actually a great bargain: he doesn’t have to go to many games in order to make up for the initial expense, because season tickets are on average so much cheaper than buying them individually. Plus, if you get him a pair, he can take friends and family rather than just you. This can be great, because anyone else he brings will naturally ask where he got the tickets from.
Still worried about cost? Look into nosebleed seats or buying tickets for just half a season. This can be a great way to show him how much you love him and not pay too much.
3. A replacement for something loved and lost
It can be so sad to lose something you really care about. If your man has been lamenting the loss of a much-loved possession, whether it’s a particular book, a special item of clothing, a piece of jewelry, or anything else, see if you can replace it.
In some cases you might be able to get an exact match, as with a first edition book or a replacement high school class ring. In other cases, such as the loss of a piece of jewelry or clothing he brought back from traveling to another country, you might have to find the nearest match. In either case, he’ll still appreciate the love and thought you put into the search.
4. An experience he has expressed interest in
Another birthday gift idea for your boyfriend is an experience he’s been wanting to have for a while: chopper rides, professional racing at a track, or even just a couple’s massage. Proving you remember what he says means a lot.
5. Special time together
Sometimes a birthday gift doesn’t have to cost any money at all. Guys like dedicated special time just as much as girls do, so giving your guy a whole weekend of you to himself can often make him feel just as special as an expensive present. If you want to really blow it out, make a little love nest with lit candles, rose petals, yummy food and the music he likes.
6. A weekend getaway
Everyone loves a little escape, guys included. Choose somewhere you know he’ll enjoy: the beach where he spent a lot of time as a child, a nearby lake that stocks fish, a cabin in the woods with great hiking. Whatever it is, keep his interests in mind and you’ll stand a better chance of giving him a gift he really cares about.
Don’t forget that if you’re really going to make the gift special, you’ve got to provide most of the accessories for the weekend as well. It’s not much of a gift if you pay for two nights in a hotel and leave him to figure out how you’ll get there and what you’ll eat, and make him pay for gas and activities.
A few birthday don’ts:
It’s great that you want to show your man you care, but there are a few birthday gift ideas for your boyfriend that you should definitely steer clear of. No-no's include:
- Anything that’s actually for you instead of for him (Disney on Ice, anyone??)
- High-pressure gifts meant to force a change in behavior (weight sets, literary classics you think he should read, a food diary)
- Anything that requires him spending a lot of money to make use of it (a three-day Caribbean cruise, but no plane tickets to get there, or the half-baked weekend getaway mentioned above)
- Pets he didn’t ask for (puppies and kittens grow up into full-time responsibilities, ladies: let him make his own choice)
- Expensive/intense experiences he’s expressed no interest in having (hot air balloon rides, skydiving, horseback riding)
When it comes right down to it, nothing beats a well-thought-out birthday gift for showing your guy how much you love and care about him. Unless it’s a well-thought-out birthday gift plus a nice card … that’s right! Men like cards too, so while you shouldn’t go all the way to cheese-land, telling your boyfriend how you feel about him is totally okay.
If you are struggling while trying to figure out what to get him, then one thing every guy loves for their birthday is something very intimate and sensual like some oral sex. If you're interested in upping your oral game, then you may be interested in the techniques I teach in this tutorial video on the Bad Girl's Bible site.