Abandonment, Anger Management, Anxiety Issues, Codependency, Communication Problems, Control Issues, Divorce/Divorce Prevention, Empowering Women, Forgiveness, Happiness, Holistic Coach, Life Transitions, Numerology, Reconnective Healing, Relationships, Self-Compassion, Self-Esteem, Spiritual, Trust Issues, Worry



Additional Expertise

Confidence Coach, Energy Healer, Life Coach, Spiritual Healer

About Mary Powers


It can affect many areas of your life and cause you to: 

● Compare yourself to others...

● Regret decisions made...

● Doubt yourself and your abilities...

● Shy away from taking risks...

● Struggle to be heard...

● Avoid speaking up, especially at work...

● Sacrifice your happiness for others... 

● Judge yourself as an imposter...

Worse of all, there's a feeling of depression or anxiety, feeling stuck, like you're not enough...

You're not alone. 

I understand this all too well... I was like you, I was that woman, working in a male dominated field, where I had no voice, I was invisible and I was afraid to speak up. Men with less experience, less education were getting promoted faster and higher than me. To say this was infuriating is the understatement of the year!

I was stuck here for many years.

I began doubting myself, which caused me to feel misunderstood, then led me to put everyone else's needs over my own. I tried so hard to look confident, but internally I was self-critical, felt weak and afraid. It wasn't until something serious and highly inappropriate happened at work where I decided I was tired of being talked over, looked down upon and looked over. That's when I decided to do something about this. 

I realized that in order for all of my problems to go away, I needed to change. I had to take charge of how I presented myself to the world, and not let the world define me. 

I learned how to control and eliminate fears. I finally understood what were my blocks that prevented my success. Then I began to see other people's blocks. Talk about a game changer...

So I went to workshops and read many books on how to turn my problems around. I used the tools and techniques I learned. But taking the "self-help" route has its limitations. It's takes time, there's often no one to support you, you get frustrated and then stop before progress is made.

But I took what I learned and developed my own techniques to resolving my fears and doubts. I created the Emotional Energy Release Technique  to help quell my sudden anxiety and find my center...find my peace. 

And now I have a burning passion to help women to unleash their most powerful selves... to step into unwavering confidence, to boldly speak up, and to command respect from everyone around them.

Imagine yourself feeling:

● Confident when speaking up in groups or sharing your opinion...

● Comfortable in your own skin... 

● Peace when you make decisions... 

● Unruffled by other people's opinions of you... 

● Love by making yourself the #1 priority... 

● Honor in your talents and accomplishments... 

● Fearless in your actions and abilities... 

We as women have greater opportunities more than ever before in human history. There is a movement going on where we are changing the world's views on how we are seen and heard. The more we support each other and show up in our power, the more we all win. I'd love to support you in your journey.

Women who work with me skyrocket their confidence and have:

● Landed promotions... 

● Felt joy and peace... 

● Have clarity about who they are and what they want... 

● New found comfort speaking in front of others... 

● Communicate their opinions and feelings with ease and grace... 

● Found a romantic partner... 

If you would like to find out what is possible for you and what the next step would look like, schedule a call with me today. We'll take a look at what's currently going on, define your ultimate vision for your new life and uncover hidden blocks that could be keeping you from living that life right now.

Mary Powers Articles