8 Ways To Get Over A Break-Up Quickly

The sooner you get over your ex the better.


Staring at the pieces of your shattered relationship will only get you down. Get a dust pan, sweep them up and move on!

Life goes by too quickly for any of us to spend time (wasted time) mulling over an ex. I know it’s hard to move on, but don’t put it off.  It’s truly one of the best ways to be happy.  The longer you dwell on your failed relationship the more you’ll stay stuck in the past.  Soon misery will become your new best friend. It’s important to get on the ball and do a few things that will help you get over your ex now.


For more helpful tips post-split, pick up my book "The Divorce Ritual."

1) Future Plans: It’s time to make your post-break-up plans. Create goals for yourself right away

2) Do Something Nice for Yourself: If you spend time on doing something special for yourself, it will make you feel upbeat about being single.

Follow me on Twitter for more break-up advice.

3) Do Something Nice for Someone Else: When you’re feeling down it always helps to lift up someone else’s spirits.  It’s gratifying to know that you've done something to make someone else happy.

4) Put Your Feelings on Paper: Write down your thoughts about your break-up and being single. Writing your feelings on paper is a great way to heal.


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5) Your Ex has Moved On: When your ex has moved on it is even more important for you to move-on. Fretting about an ex that is happily dating someone new is a waste of time.

6) Look at Your Bills: Bills can pile up no matter if you’re happy or sad, so there is no time to be down about your ex.  Take the opportunity to get busy and take care of yourself.

My blog Youdivorceday.com offers lots of helpful ways to get over your split.

7) Clearer Picture: Get rid of any photos of your ex around the house or on your cell phone or computer. You don’t need their photo popping up by accident


8) Flirtation: You might not be ready to date someone new yet, but some flirtation will bring up your spirits and get you into the mode of meeting new people.

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