25 Inspiring Quotes About True Love That Will Help You Find Your Soulmate

Find yourself; find true love.

25 Inspiring Quotes About True Love` That Will Help You Find Your Soulmate getty

Loving someone and being loved can be one of the most fulfilling life experiences. And while it's difficult to put such powerful emotions into words, these inspiring quotes about love capture the essence of what a soul-level connection between kindred spirits is all about.

It’s natural to long for the perfect relationship, that true and endearing. love — the kind you'll feel when you finally meet your soulmate. However, that quest for true love can take you through many twists and turns, and not all of them will be pleasant.


When you’ve faced heartbreak, experienced bad relationships, or missed opportunities with a star-cross lover, it can seem like true love will never make its way to you. You can even feel like giving up on looking for true love — but don’t.

Hold out and read these inspiring true love quotes to keep you motivated. Love is out there for you — and it’s worth the wait. Finding your soulmate is definitely something you should keep trying for!

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Soulmate love is deep understanding and awakening. It is being your best and each of you striving to be better every day. You feel connected in a way you’ve never known and united in your pursuit of joy and purpose. And no matter what life throws at you, this love is here to stay, lifting you up and holding you still.

In the meantime, until that beautiful soul enters your life, hold space for them and concentrate on the person you need to love the most: You.

Unless you find and love yourself, you will never find your truest love.

Here are 25 inspiring quotes about true love that will help find your soulmate.


1. Be patient.

Many people jump into a relationship with the wrong person and live in regret. If you haven’t met your soulmate, take heart. When it’s time, it’s time.

“It's better to spend years finding the right person than to spend your whole life with the wrong person.” — Unknown

2. What you think you know about love might not be real.


Love is full of surprises. Be open to new experiences and curiosity will show you who you are and who you’re meant to be with.

“Keep an open mind. The right person coming to you at the right time will change everything you ever thought was true.”Kate McGahan

3. Don’t beat yourself up about your relationship history.


Everyone has a past and lessons learned. What’s important is that you continue to believe in love and keep on going for it!

“Finding love is like making crème brulee. It may take a few tries before you get it right.”Crystal Woods

4. Look into your heart and your soul.


Soulful love is connecting two souls, each whole themselves. One soul sees the other soul. When you get to a place of deep awareness in your life of who you are and what’s important to you, your heart will be open to meeting the right person.

“Before you find your soul mate, you must first discover your soul.”Charles F. Glassman

5. Love yourself.


Self-love is the foundation of any relationship. You cannot give boundless love if you are empty inside. Look into a mirror and smile; that is the start of your journey into soulmate love.

“To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.”Oscar Wilde

6. Be your best.


When you work on stretching your comfort zone and building on your strengths, you will also appreciate the self-development path someone else is going on. Always start with yourself. Then, like will attract like.

“The better person you become, the better person you attract.” — Unknown

7. How you look is by not looking.


You find love by giving to others and making their lives better. Their gratitude is reflected at us and we experience love.

“Those that go searching for love only manifest their own lovelessness, and the loveless never find love. Only the loving find lovek, and they never have to seek it.”D. H. Lawrence

8. How to recognize your kindred spirit.


Love is unveiled to you. Like the draping dropping from an artistic masterpiece, real love is revealed to you. It is there in front of you, sometimes unexpected, but never unwelcome.

“A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized.” Vironika Tugaleva

9. You see what’s most important.


“Love is when you look into someone’s eyes and see their heart.”Jill Petty

10. There is an instant "knowing."

All it takes is a glance or a touch, and the heart realizes that it will never be the same.


"When I saw you, I fell in love and you smiled because you knew."Arrigio Boito

11. You cannot fight it.

There is no denying the connection of soulmate love. It goes beyond physical chemistry and passion; it is electromagnetic. Plus and minus equals an inexplicable bond.


I recognized you instantly. All of our lives flashed through my mind in a split second. I felt a pull so strongly toward you that I almost couldn’t stop it.” — J. Sterling

12. You can’t force it.

True love binds you together, and at the same time, needs space to move, breathe, and settle. Let what will be, be.


“Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away.”Dorothy Parker

13. You finally feel at home.

“Love is not an equation, it is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending. Love is the slate under the chalk, the ground that buildings rise, and the oxygen in the air. It is the place you come back to, no matter where you’re headed.”Jodi Picoult

14. True love knows what is possible.


Your personalities complement one another’s.

Love isn’t about being the same; it’s about bringing to unique souls together to form something better than the individuals alone.

“You have half our gifts. I the other. Together we make a whole. Together we are much more powerful.”Joss Stirling

15. Your soul is stirred.


There is a fire that’s lit inside you when you have this kind of soulmate love. You feel more.

“The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give you forever.”Nicholas Sparks

16. You can become who you’re capable of becoming.


True love makes you feel safe and courageous all the same time. A soulmate allows you to be authentic and to realize your potential.

“A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we’re pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other...”Richard Bach

17. Life has meaning.


Your life is no longer just about you and it doesn’t feel haphazard. You feel a sense of connection to the universe and to a higher purpose.

“Love is a sign from the heavens that you are here for a reason.”J. Ghetto

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18. Love acts.

Not only do you feel called to do more in your life, having a kindred spirit means that you can work together to bring about change in the world.

“The greatest love stories are not those in which love is only spoken, but those in which it is acted upon.” — Steve Maraboli

19. Soulmate love endures all things.


Soulmate love is curious. True love knows the intentions of the other are well, and that each person is only human. It seeks to understand and to heal.

“Love is an act of endless forgiveness; a tender look which becomes a habit.”Peter Ustinov

20. True love sees what it needs to see.


This kind of love filters out unnecessary information and holds onto what it knows to be true and what matters to keep it safe.

“Love isn’t blind; it just only sees what matters.”William Curry

21. Soulmates strengthen each other in times of need.


In dark or heart-wrenching moments, kindred spirits communicate without words, holding space for the other to grieve and bolstering their spirits. What seems impossible, can be overcome with this kind of love.

“What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life — to strengthen each other in all labor, to rest on each other in all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with each other in silent unspeakable memories at the moment of the last parting?”George Eliot

22. Love is always a choice.


Soulmate love isn’t a bed of roses. It has thorns and dull edges at times. It also remembers the connection and chooses to keep nurturing it.

"True love isn’t so much a dreamy feeling that you have as it is an enduring commitment to give sacrificially–even, or perhaps especially, when you don’t feel like it."William R. Mattox, Jr.

23. True love holds you accountable.


The hard part of having a soulmate is being told something you don’t want to hear. It’s not pleasant at first, but when you let it steep in, you see what the other sees and that awareness is what propels you forward.

“People think a soul mate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soul mate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who brings you to your own attention so you can change your life.”Elizabeth Gilbert

24. Soulmate love cares.


No matter the difficulties, a soulmate is there loving you and never giving up.

“The art of love is largely the art of persistence.”Albert Ellis

25. True love doesn’t end. Ever.


Love can come and go. Each relationship brings a gift that teaches you a unique lesson. But, at long last, true love prevails.

“True love stories never have endings.”Richard Bach

Read these love quotes to restore your faith in meeting your soulmate. Whenever you need a little extra hope, reread them again and let them go.

Then, when you’re grounded and focusing on loving yourself, you’ll be amazed when your soulmate shows up, ready and able to go the distance with you.


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Lisa Petsinis is a certified life coach who works with women who want to reconnect with themselves and create lives they’ll love. Visit her website and contact her for a free discovery call to jumpstart the changes you want in your life, beginning today.