5 Easy Ways To Beat Winter Blues Caused By SAD
Do the winter months get you down?

Winter brings hibernation to not only bears, but also many humans in the form of seasonal affective disorder, or SAD. It's commonly called "winter depression" or the "winter blues."
And even though it may not seem like a huge deal, SAD is a major cause of depression and can leave you struggling to feel happy again during the colder, darker months of the year.
When the weather is cold and the skies are dark and cloudy, it's easy to feel down and despondent. The feeling of hiding and just not wanting to go out can become a problem.
If you struggle with bleak feelings during the winter, it's good to know that there's hope through help available to you without an anti-depressant medication.
Of course, you'll want to check with your physician before making any changes to your health regimen.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is marked by depression in the winter months and occurs when natural exposure to sunlight decreases. In spring and summer, depression and sadness normally disappear.
Not everyone is affected by SAD, and other mental health conditions can resemble this disorder. Fortunately, there are remedies to avoid depression in the winter months.
People affected by SAD start to feel down as soon as the first dark, gloomy day rolls in. Don't let it happen to you! To remain happy and peaceful during the winter, spend your time and energy on things that bring you happiness.
Take a look at the magic the winter months have to bring. If you're unable to see any beauty at all in the dark of winter, all you need is a few simple ideas to jumpstart your thoughts in a positive direction.
Here are 5 easy ways to beat the winter blues caused by SAD.
1. Reach out to a friend.
A warm smile from someone you love is the easiest way to brighten your day and leave the cold behind. Stay in touch and get together with friends during the cold months.
Make socializing a habit in the winter, and notice how this warms your heart.
2. Get a sun lamp.
A sun lamp gives you the illumination you need even when it's dark outside. Sun lamps work a lot better to help your mood than just putting on all the lights in your home.
3. Take a trip.
Travel to a warm and sunny destination to break up the cold months. Even if it is just for a few days, an annual getaway will lift your spirits and make a world of difference.
4. Go outside.
Take advantage of the times when the sun does come out, even if it's otherwise cold.
When your body is deprived of sunlight, it is more difficult to make vitamin D. If you can get some sunlight, though, you'll feel better and be better able to stick it out until spring comes with its longer, sunnier days.
5. Find activities that bring you joy.
Treating depression is necessary. If your feelings of depression don’t run deep, you may want to start applying some of the suggestions above and see how your mood elevates.
Nonetheless, if you're just feeling bummed out and frustrated during the winter, the best way to avoid the winter blues is to concentrate on tactics that work during the season.
Choose to be joyful. Focus on the things that matter to you and make you happy.
Winter is just a season, and you'll have spring, summer, and fall to do all kinds of great things outside in the warmth of the sunshine.
Remember, anything you can do when it's dark outside, you can do on a gloomy winter day.
If you have indoor activity hobbies, you will have more to keep your mind busy as you move through winter. If you have something to do to spend your time, the cold days will pass faster, and spring will arrive before you know.
Lisa Lieberman-Wang is a licensed neuro-linguistic practitioner and creator of Neuro Associative Programming (NAP). Find more helpful tips to loving yourself and improving your life on her website, FineToFab.