The Truth About Happiness: Why Finding Your Purpose Is The Answer
Is the daily routine of life getting you down? Find your passion and live a more authentic life!

Do you ever have those times when you have been on the go non-stop trying to stay on top of all your responsibilities and get all the necessary things on your "to do" list accomplished — and then it hits you like a ton of bricks.
You don't have one more ounce of energy to keep going. All you want to do is crawl in bed and pull the cover over your head and forget the rest of the world. And maybe you do just shut down for a few days. Or maybe you push through despite the physical and emotional exhaustion you feel.
You may get a small reprieve — enough to catch your breath and then the cylce starts all over again. Living in this busy cycle is just as addicting and challenging to get out of as other addictions such as alcohol, shopping, working, etc. It is an addiction — a way to escape, numb and avoid.
Busyness is an accepted addiction in our culture that is doing more and more damage to the emotional and physical health of Americans. Depression, anxiety, mood disorders are all on the rise and the reported stress level of most Americans is higher then it's ever been as we seek to live the American dream and "achieve" while technology is making life run faster and faster.
I work with individuals and couples every day who have come to the realization that all the years they were "achieving" their career and financial goals, they missed out on living. Some wake up one day and look at thier spouse and realize they don't even know each other and that the obligations of life overtook maintaining their relationship.
Others realize they don't know themselves and have lost touch with what brings them joy and fulfillment. It's so easy to get caught up in the daily grind and to go through the motions of life, the daily routine, fulfilling your obligations at work, with family and friends completely disconnected from yourself and other. Many do for years and years. Some end up in a therapists office after years of going through the motions when they find themself in a life crisis.
So, how can you accomplish a sense of direction and living with intention? Here are some starting points of things to consider and assess for yourself:
- Are you in a career/job that you enjoy and that is fulfulling? If not, why? Do you have the limiting belief that you can't do anything else?
- Do you have a support system of friends and family that you spend time with and connect in an authentic way—who you can be honest about and ask for support when you need it?
- Do you make time for yourself to recharge on a regular basis?
- Do you pay attention to how you are feeling as you go through your day? What emotions are activated when and why?
- Are you aware of your physical well-being? Do you get enough sleep, exercise and eat healthy?
- Do you know how to say "no" when your plate is too full?
- Are you emotionally reactive and constantly feeling tired and overwhelmed?
- What are your passions? What excites you and brings a sense of fulfillment and true sense accomplishment?
- How would your life be different if it were just the way you would want it? How would you be different?
- What's most important to you in your life and why?
If you were to answer these questions honestly would you find that you are living on purpose in a way that leads to a sense of success that you define for your life? Or are you a slave to your obligations and standards you believe are being placed on you by others or our culture?
Knowing and living in alignment with your true purpose will allow you to live authentically and fully. The voice inside of you that wants your true gifts to be offered to the world will become louder and you have to decide if you will listen to it or try to squelch it.
Knowing your true passion, gifts and what you have to offer to the world and aligning your life accordingly, will allow a fulfilled life living with intention and passion. To deny yourself of this is to deny the world of what you have to offer. So, which is more important: living up to the worlds standards or your own? And when/how you will you "know" you have achieved success?
Leslie is a Board Certified Coach and is available for coaching to help you define your life purpose and create a life that is in alignment with your purpose. Contact her for a complimentary 90 minute coaching session to see if coaching is right for you.