Older Women - Can They Still Have 'It'?

Is it okay for a woman who is called 'Grandma' to also be called 'sexy'?

Older Women - Can They Still Have 'It'?

Sexiness is an elusive thing. Ask one person what they think is sexy and they'll tell you muscular arms, ask another and they'll tell you a sense of humor. Rarely do people think about age as being sexy. But there's no reason it can't be.

These days women are taking better and better care of themselves. Pilates, Yoga, health-consciousness, hair dye, even plastic surgery – these are just a few of the things we have these days that allow us to appear to age slower. They are also some of the things that allow women who once would have been delegated to the back of the room as being too old to be brought up to the front and put on display as examples of how age truly is just a number.


I have many women over the age of 50 asking me if they are being foolish by still wearing fashionable and even form-fitting clothes, or for wanting to go dancing with their friends. They describe other women and even men criticizing them for not acting their age.

The truth is that just because you are of a certain age does not mean you should be put out to pasture. If you have the energy to dance, why shouldn't you dance? If you have a rockin' body why shouldn't you be allowed to dress it in a flattering manner? Would you tell Susan Sarandon or Helen Mirren to pack it in just because they're in their 60's? I certainly hope not. Keep reading...


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Now I'm not saying that a 50 year old woman should pretend she is 20. There are lines that we all need to watch. I'm talking about owning your age. Showing what 50+ can be. We all know what an insecure older woman who is trying to behave like a 20-year-old looks like. It's desperate and attention-seeking. But a woman who says, "Yes, I am this age, I have lived, I have raised children, I have been there and back" exudes a confidence that is the epitome of sexy.

These are not cougars. They are not necessarily looking to nab a younger man to hold onto their youth. If they happen to attract a younger man with their confidence and energy, more power to them!  But they do not need to have youth close to them to prove their value. These are women who have value because of everything they have to offer that comes with knowledge and experience.

If you find yourself at this age and you are still ready to go – let yourself run with it. Keep to your values and really live your life. If you allow those nay-sayers and the jealousy of other women who do not have your confidence or the insecurity of men who are threatened by it, to put you back in that corner you will guarantee yourself a deep bout of depression.


So I say to all the grandmas out there who are not ready to give up on life just yet: Congratulations! You are an inspiration and I salute your strength and independence.