10 Boredom-Busting Family Staycation Ideas You MUST Try This Summer

Who says you have to go somewhere for great memories?

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Have you ever slaved over planning a family trip, only to have it flop? The money, time, and energy wasted — you should've just stayed home. 

You’re not alone! Summer is the time to cram in some fun family memories. Millions plan elaborate trips, spend tons of money and end up disappointed.

One summer I decided to keep it simple and stay home. You can probably guess what happened: We had a ton of fun, wasted zero time pre-planning and saved money! Want in on the fun? Here are my top 10 staycation ideas:


1. Build A Fort And Have A Themed Movie Night

Channel your inner child and get creative with your kids. It’s amazing what can be crafted when the family slows down and focuses on the same goal. Chose an actor the entire family loves and have a movie themed night in your family fort.

2. Create A Vision Board

Ask each member of the family what they would like to see happen in the next six months. Collect a bunch of old magazines, sit down with scissors in one hand and a bottle of Elmer’s in the other and start collaging on a poster board. (Hang the art piece in a high-traffic area in your home, and you’ll smile every time you pass it.)


3. Tour A Park On Bikes

Map out a route for the parks around your home, and make sure to include stops for ice cream and refreshments along the way. Try setting a time limit at each stop, which will make it more exciting for the kids and more bearable for you.  

4. Pop A Tent And Star Gaze

This is an oldie but goodie. I, for one, am not the type of girl that sees a ton of fun in loading up the car and driving to a far away plot of dirt to pop a tent. But if there is minimal effort (and I mean minimal, like walking to my back yard), I can handle that. Pop a tent, build a fire, make Smores and star gaze.


5. Have A Slip N Slide Party

Go to your local store and get a solid Slip N Slide, grab a handful of Tiki Torches, patio lights, meat to grill, and you and your family can enjoy a wonderful back yard party — without the pressure of hosting.

6. Go On A Scavenger Hunt

Craft a fun, creative scavenger hunt! Based on the age of your kids you can widen the radius past your neighborhood block.

7. Have A Family Cook-Off

Divide the family into (fair) teams and have a cook-off. Pick a theme like Italian (or more specifically pizza), find a promising blue ribbon recipe, and go to the grocery store. Each team has 20 minutes to grab the ingredients and get back to the car. Take it to the next level by adding a cooking time limit. Grade on presentation, taste, and creativity.


8. Treasure Hunt At A Local Thrift Shop

Someone’s trash is another persons treasure. Who doesn’t like to go to the local thrift store in hopes of finding an overlooked treasure. It's adorable to see what your kids view as a gold mine.

9. Family Bucket List

My family and I typically do an annual bucket list on New Years Eve (cliché I know). Get a fish bowl and cut up some slips of paper. Take turns going around the kitchen table, each member putting in a goal they want the family to accomplish this year.

10. Be Tourists In Your Own City And Explore

Most of us don’t know the history of the community we call home. Go on a historical outing like you are tourists, and you’ll be amazed at the culture you’re already immersed in!


There you have it. Simple family fun.

For more simple ideas on how to enjoy the most out of life check out Back 2 Love — a book written for couples who want to live and love better! Follow Jessica on Twitter and join in on the Facebook conversation.