Soul Sex: The Art Of Lovemaking, Beyond The Kiss
Anticipation is the key ingredient to great sex. Ho hum sex life? The Art Of Lovemaking is for you.

Kissing is a prelude of what is to come. Vary your style, pressure and energy.
You have built your arousal state and revved up both of your engines with 10 minutes or more of kissing. Kissing increases oxytocin in both males and females. This is what couples in long-term relationships forget to do. Don't skip the kissing if you really want to connect on a soul level.
Nuzzling with your nose
Smell your partner's skin, as you slowly make your way from tip of the ear to ear lobe, pulling the ear lobe with a gentle nibble. Kiss, nibble and use your tongue to flick your way along your partner's neck. Neck and ears are forgotten erogenous zones. Use a feather and lightly stroke his neck and collar bone while nibbling on his ear, neck or kissing his eyelids. You will drive him absolutely wild. Stop on sensitive areas watching for a reaction from your partner. Everyone is different. What you like may be different than what turns on your partner. Kiss his forehead, suck on his fingers one at a time, while looking him in the eyes. He will know what you are thinking. You will stimulate his mind and imagination while stimulating his body.
Breasts As Fingertips
Slide your breasts over his mouth stopping momentarily. Use your breasts and nipples to stimulate his. Men's nipples can be as sensitive as a woman's. Slow down and play with his nipples and use your breasts to massage his chest. Buff his body with yours. Get creative and glide your cheek along his groin. Let him think you're going down on him and instead slide your breasts over his penis. Every part of your body can be used to stimulate his, not just your hands and mouth. Create the tension by making him believe you are going to give him oral sex and tease him some more. Now move back up to kiss him on the mouth.
Stimulate His Mind
Lovemaking involves imagination and fantasy as well as anticipation. Keep him guessing. Allow him to explore your body with his eyes while you take control of the first part of this event. Taking the initiative to entertain and stimulate your partner is as much of a turn on for you as it is for him. Whisper in his ear what you want to do to him next. Use words you feel comfortable with. You will be activating all his senses by whispering and talking to him while you pleasure him.
Anticipation Makes Ordinary Extraordinary
Always take your partners' wishes and desires into account as you move down with your body to be positioned straddling your partner. Putting yourself in a "mounting position" without saddling up is a tease. Geat sex involves teasing and anticipating what is about to come, forgive the pun, before moving around the erogenous zones. Have him turn onto his stomach so that you can buff his body with yours. Think of your body as one big buffing machine, have fun with this. Delicately slide your labia along his buttocks. Kiss him along his exposed side at the same time. Nibble his buttocks. Use your vagina to slide along his body. You are building sexual tension here. You are connecting with your partner on a deep soul level.
Look at your partner as you kiss and nibble. Eye contact keeps you both connected. Remember there are two of you, this is not a performance, but an act of love. There won't be anyone holding up cards with your personal best score of 9.5, 7.0 or 5.5 on them. You won't be graded. Let go of inhibitions. As you relax so will your partner. Think only of what you are doing and how your partner is reacting.