3 Things Smart Women ALWAYS Do When They Search For Guys Online

Let's skip to the good ones, ladies!

smarty weheartit

Online dating has taking over the world! Seriously, it has become one of the preferred methods for meeting a potential mate and grows ever more popular every year. It makes sense really, considering that it's accessible, convenient and relatively quick to meet someone online.

People use online dating sites for a variety of reasons including: meeting a life partner; random hook ups; sexual exploration; and (as per the recent Ashley Madison scandal) to seek extra marital affairs.


However, even with such a convenient method of meeting mates, there are a few no-nos that accompany this medium. And smart women know to check for these three things before we'd ever consider chatting with a guy IRL: 

1. They do a grammar check (duh!).

Admittedly, being an educated woman of a certain age, this may make a woman seem like a snob, but spelling and grammar are vitally important, both in profiles and subsequent texting or chatting.

It may seem shallow, but for many women, spelling or grammatical errors (that are obviously not auto-corrects) are a make-or-break situation. Even if it means you take a little longer to reply or write out your profile, please, please use spell check! 


Knowing the difference between "your" and "you’re" is pretty simple and could be the deciding factor between getting brushed off or embraced by a wonderful woman. And please don’t forget to use punctuation.

Reading an entire paragraph as one sentence is not fun, not to mention confusing. It also alerts us to the fact that full stops and commas aren’t part of your vocabulary, which makes us think that actual real life conversations might be a bit tiring!

2. They check for up-to-date photos (without Photoshop).

Everybody loves to look at beautiful things, and many of us enjoy admiring others on the basis of their looks. But, if you want to make a meaningful connection with someone online, make sure your picture is both accurate and up to date.


No one enjoys the awkwardness of meeting someone who looks nothing like their photos. 

While you may get a lot of views and contacts online from your touched up photo from 15 years ago, you'll inevitably find yourself at a loss for second dates if you go that route. Honesty is the best policy when it comes to your online profile, so please use accurate pictures.

3. They pass over men who only send a one-line intro email.

We get it. You're a man of few words. But, just a heads up — there is nothing worse than receiving a message that simply says, "Hey babe, your (sic) hot. Wanna (sic) hook up?" 

Even worse are messages that have no Inquiry. If you want to observe on the basis of looks or your own carnal desires, then please don’t expect many responses. How can a woman engage in an online conversation without any valid or interesting questions?


When I was online dating, the best messages came from guys who actually read my profile, took a cue from what I said, and asked a question on the basis of what they had read.

Try engaging rather than using the scattergun mass email approach and see how many more responses you start to receive.

It only takes a little extra time and effort to do these three simple things, and they'll make a lot of difference to the reception you receive from women. In a society that values nonchalance, seeing someone make the effort to impress or woo you is not only rare, but quite erotic, too.


Give it a try, if it doesn’t work, at least you’ve learned how to approach smart women and have a fighting chance at getting a date.

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