6 Cringey Habits That Push Men Away, According To Psychology

These grating habits tend to drive men away.

Woman has cringey habits that push men away. Bobex-73 | Canva

When it comes to dating disasters, do you ever wonder "What went wrong?" or "Why did he break up with me?"

The truth is, most often women don't know why things fell apart, because they unknowingly played a role in it. 

So how can women avoid losing a guy? There are some specific things women do to push great guys away

Here are 6 cringey habits that push men away, according to psychology:

1. You want a man to change who he is

Many women get into a relationship thinking they can change the man. If a man makes a change in a relationship, the benefit must outweigh the consequences of that change.


People can change, but only if they want to, one study tells us.

People can change, but only if they want to, one study tells us.


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2. You have an overwrought sense of urgency

Men liken romance to playing poker. While men pay attention to overall themes, women tend to sweat the small stuff. 

Women need to know that ulterior motives aren't a man's thing to play at, if he's out late with his friends, he's just out late with his friends.

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3. You're intimate on the first date

Unfortunate but true, a man you're dating is chivalrous but also "red-blooded and carnal" like all guys are. If a woman offers to be intimate on the first date, any man will probably take her up on that. 

A woman who can walk away with a goodnight kiss and leave the man guessing appeals much more to men. They like the thrill of a chase.

When should you finally take the final step and follow him into his bedroom? According to one study, men waited around 5 dates, and women around 8. 

4. You talk his ear off

Women need to think of love as "quiet." In other words, it's what you do when no one is looking, or how you find their hand when things are bad and tell them it's okay. If you hear "I love you" constantly, it loses its value.


Cringey Habits That Push Men Away, According To Psychology fauxels / Pexels

Love is the result of the events in our lives, not the result of talking about the idea of it.

5. You're dishonest with him

Loyalty is everything. It's the currency of our lives. When women are disloyal to other women, it tells a man they will be disloyal to them, too.

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6. You don't make him feel like a protector

In the same way that a woman wants to feel taken care of and protected, a man wants to know he's the one who made her feel that way. With a look or word, you can empower men.

Here's one more powerful piece of advice for women: Don't forget why your man fell for you. 

Woman AND men seem to stop doing the little things they did at the beginning of a relationship that made it fun. Think back and try doing some of the little things you "used" to do for him.


RELATED: 10 Everyday Things Women Do That Are Major Turn-Offs For Men

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