5 Signs Your Relationship Is Spiritually Healthy

Healthy relationships are spiritual too.

Relationship Advice For Healthy Relationships With Spiritual Health & Wellbeing Getty 

Healthy relationships tend to be ones that practice spiritual health and wellbeing. If you're looking for relationship advice, spirituality is a great place to start.

Spiritual health is one of those things we don’t talk about much. But we really ought to. 

We know how to take care of our physical, emotional, and mental health but what about our spiritual wellbeing? And how does our spiritual wellbeing affect our relationships? 


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According to research, our spiritual health is reflected in the quality of relationships we have in four domains of wellbeing. The first is the personal domain where we have a relationship with self. The second is the communal domain where we have relationships with others.


The third is the environmental domain where we connect with nature. And the fourth is the transcendental domain, where we relate to something beyond the human level.

When two people come together in a relationship and they each have an awareness of these domains, it can be electric. This is where soulmates are made. 

Even if you’re not currently in a love partnership, these signs are applicable to any kind of relationship with those you care about, whether it be family or friends.

With that said, here are 5 signs that you’ve got a spiritually healthy relationship. 


1. You grow together

There’s nothing more painful in a relationship than when one person has a period of profound spiritual growth or transformation, and the other person gets left behind. Without dedicated communication and the support to navigate leaps in consciousness, it’s entirely possible that a couple quickly goes from normal and healthy to silent passing ships in the night. 

Although no two people will ever grow in exactly the same way as human beings, or at exactly the same time, spiritually healthy couples are dedicated to one another’s unique paths of growth as well as their growth as a couple. In fact, they encourage one another’s opportunities for growth and cheerlead along the way because they understand that growth is life itself.

2. You give each other space

The great poet, Khalil Gibran, put it this way: “Let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of heaven dance between you.”

Just because a couple is not together all the time, it doesn’t mean there’s a problem. In fact, the ability to have space—whether it be in the form of time or location—requires a good level of comfort and trust. This is one indication of a healthy relationship. 


Space also refers to emotional, psychological, energetic, and creative space. It’s about having good personal boundaries and not feeling the need to encroach on the other person or invade their auric field. Spiritually healthy couples respect and honor one another’s need and desire for space without taking it personally. 

It also makes reunions all the sweeter. 

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3. You hold space for one another

Life throws curve-balls. That’s just how it goes. Having a partner who can hold space for us in the midst of chaos can be one of the biggest factors in how successfully we navigate such times. 


Holding space, in essence, is the ability to be fully present to another person and whatever it is they are going through. When holding space for another, it’s essential to resist the temptation to fix, heal or convert the other person, especially when at their most vulnerable. Most of the time, all that’s really needed is warmth, an open ear, an open mind, and an open heart. 

Spiritual healthy couples understand there are times when one holds space and when one is held in space. It’s about taking turns when such moments organically arise. Being held requires trust and courage. Holding space requires love and patience. The pendulum must swing both ways. 

4. You enhance one another as human beings

Let’s cut to the chase. If your partner doesn’t make you a better person or at least kindle in you the aspiration to be a better person, and vice-versa, then the relationship’s days are likely numbered. There’s only so much a person can take if their light is diminished.

When in a spiritually healthy relationship, it’s like elevating to another version of yourself. You both shine brighter. You both aspire bigger. You both step each day into your greater potential. You gift one another faith in your respective dreams and the ongoing encouragement to make them a reality. 


5. You feel good to be around

You know those couples that are magnetic? Those ones that you just love hanging out with and feel energized and uplifted by? That’s a good indicator of a spiritually healthy relationship, whether they consider themselves “spiritual” or not. 

Spiritual health, as we saw from the four domains, requires not only a sound relationship with self, but also with others, the environment, and the transcendent. So for a spiritually healthy couple, the relationship is about so much more than two people. They’re engaged with those around them, care deeply about the planet, and live intentionally. 

Just because a couple is “spiritual”, it doesn’t make it a healthy relationship. If you’re around a so-called spiritual couple and you feel drained, confused, or just plain icky, run!

No matter where we’re at in life, spiritual health is something we can all continually aspire towards. There’s no end goal. There’s no competition. It will happen differently for each of us, and for each relationship. The beauty is in witnessing the many ways it unfolds and how we can all become a force for good in one another’s lives. 


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Dr. Nicole Gruel is a spiritual health and wealth coach, who comes from a long line of samurai. A near-death experience as a teenager prompted her exploration of exceptional human experiences, and she now coaches people to create fulfilling and spiritually rich lives—inside and out. You can find her online or connect with her on Facebook