5 Ways To Start Decluttering When You're Feeling Too Overwhelmed By The Mess
Use the tricks that professionals recommend.

There are two questions potential clients often ask me during our initial free phone consultation.
Often, they start off with a statement that goes something like this: "I’m so completely overwhelmed by all my clutter! I don’t know how to get started."
And, the first question is: "How to start decluttering when overwhelmed?" The second question is: "Where do I start decluttering?"
Both are great questions! But, the second question is the easiest to answer: you start decluttering in the area that bothers you the most. That differs for each and every person.
Let’s address the first question, which is a little harder.
As a certified professional organizer, I have a few tricks up my sleeve that helps motivate my clients to begin the decluttering process.
No matter the size of your clutter problem, it can feel overwhelming. Always begin with the end in mind.
What is your vision for the space? When you’re finished decluttering, how do you want to space to look? The space can be as small as a drawer or as large as your whole house.
Here are 5 ways on how to start decluttering when overwhelmed.
1. Know your motivation.
What is your reason for organizing? Is it because living with so much clutter is stressful? Do you want to find the things you know you have to avoid repurchasing them?
Maybe you want to save time because you don't want to waste any by hunting for something.
Does the clutter bother your partner more than you and it’s putting a strain on your relationship? There are many reasons to want to declutter.
When you understand your reason, it’s much easier to start decluttering even if it's overwhelming.
2. Give yourself an incentive.
Give yourself a reward for each time you complete part of a decluttering project. Decide your goal and then decide what your reward will be when you achieve that goal.
Do yourself a favor and have the reward be clutter-free. Make it an experience. Schedule lunch with a friend, take yourself out for a mani/pedi, or go to the new exhibit at the museum.
Maybe you give yourself small rewards for each part of the project and then a bigger reward when the entire project is completed.
Having a reward to work for is always a good idea.
3. Set your timer.
Decide how long you want to work on the clutter today. It’s much easier to work on a task you don’t want to do if you know you won’t be doing it very long.
Start with a short amount of time, something like 10 or 15 minutes. You can hang in there and mindfully sort through a pile for those few minutes. Decide where you're going to work, set your timer, and begin.
When the alarm sounds, stop working. Assess what you’ve done. If you want to work a little longer, great! If not, no worries. It will still be here for you tomorrow.
You will make progress even if you only work for 10 minutes at a time. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in 10 short minutes.
4. Look for treasures.
Still wondering how to start decluttering if you’re overwhelmed? Go on a treasure hunt! You never know what you will find as you declutter your home.
People often find things they have been looking for and are happy to recover them.
It’s very important to look through everything. Even if your pile of papers is small, take the time to rifle through them.
One of my clients found a refund check for $2,000 amongst her pile of papers. That was a terrific treasure to find!
Another client found a picture of herself with a favorite relative buried in a stack of magazines. Have a box in which to put the photos you come across as you’re decluttering.
If you know the people in the pictures, take a minute and write their names on the back of the photo. If you don’t know anyone in the picture, decide if you need to keep it.
It can be hard to toss pictures. You think someone may want it. If you know who will want the picture, mail it to them. If you don’t want it and you don’t know anyone who wants it, then it’s time to remove it from your home.
5. Make decisions.
Another tip is to make decisions as you go. Have some cardboard boxes to sort into. Label the boxes: Keep, Recycle, Trash, and Pending (or Marinating or Thinking About).
When your decluttering session is finished, empty the trash and recycling boxes first. Then look through the "Keep" box and decide where to keep those items. It may be that these items don’t have a place to belong yet.
You may need to create files for papers to reduce what's in a drawer or to empty a cupboard to put these things away. Those tasks can wait until you are working in that area.
Label the things you're keeping. This will help you know what they are when you come across them again. Put them near to where they will belong.
Always stay in the area you are working. If you get up to put something away in another area because you know where it goes you will start working in that area. Wait until the end of your work session to put things away.
It's very difficult to know how to start decluttering when you're overwhelmed.
If you're so overwhelmed by the mere thought of dealing with the clutter that you can’t move off the couch, then spend some time on Pinterest. Get some ideas and create a vision for the space that's bothering you.
But, sometimes, the best thing to do is take a deep breath and just start.
Diane N. Quintana is a Certified Professional Organizer®, a Certified Professional Organizer in Chronic Disorganization®, Master Trainer and owner of DNQ Solutions, LLC and co-owner of Release●Repurpose●Reorganize, LLC based in Atlanta, Georgia. Sign up for Diane’s monthly newsletter and get a brief tip each Monday to start your week.