What You Tell Me When You Talk In Your Sleep

Did you know you talk about her sometimes?

woman awake in bed Syda Productions / shutterstock

By Allie Braun

Did you know you tell me your secrets in your sleep?

We woke up one morning, and I told you that you had been talking in your sleep. You said no I don’t sleep talk.

I said yes you do and proceeded to tell you about the conversation we had about a basketball game and how you hurt ice cream somehow. You laughed and said oh yeah that was a weird dream, thus proving that you do in fact talk in your sleep.


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It’s really very entertaining for me, if I’m honest. All I have to say is "what?" And you just keep on talking away.

You utter words that only come out when you are in that deep. You tell me your secrets in the middle of the night. Your subconscious trusts me that much apparently.

Either that or your mind is bursting with all the words you’ve never said, and the only way it can get these things out is when you’re half unconscious. Is that what happens?

Your mind is abuzz with thoughts all day that you don’t dare to say, and then at night your brain just has to do something with it?


You mumble phrases and hold a conversation with me. You verbalize the dreams you are living, and I get to be a part of that for a moment.

I get to be inside your head for a minute or two until you drift into deep sleep again.

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You don’t let me in very often. I have the opportunity to see your imagination running wild and learn about things. Things you wouldn’t dare to say in the light of day as strange as that might be.


Did you know you talk about her sometimes? That love you once had. You talk about her.

I’m just guessing here, but I would have to say that she is that first love of yours. The one that a person never really moves on from.

You never say a name, so there is no way for me to be sure, but you talk about her like she is your biggest regret.

Like if only you could get back to her your dreams would come true.

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I sometimes wonder if I do the same.

I’ll never know, I guess just like you’ll never know about the things you tell me. I could be spilling every single one of my secrets and have no idea.


I wonder what you would hear if I spoke to you while dreaming. Would I talk about him? Would I talk about you?

Did you know you tell me your secrets in your sleep?

You utter words that can only come out when you are in that deep.

You mumble phrases and hold a conversation with me. Things you wouldn’t dare to say in the light of day, as strange as that might be.


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Allie Braun is a writer attending Furman University pursuing a degree in Sustainability Science. Her work focuses primarily on relationships, current events, and lifestyle topics. Visit her author profile on Unwritten for more.