8 Positive Ways The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed My Mindset
It has caused me to see some things a lot differently.

By Allison Baker
Right now, because of the Coronavirus pandemic, we all have a “new normal.” For me, that “new normal” means a change in the way I view everyday life.
Here are 8 ways that my mindset has evolved during this difficult time of quarantining and social distancing.
1. I enjoy my mornings now.
Before the pandemic, my morning routine consisted of waking up, showering, getting dressed, and heading out — all in just 30 minutes.
Now, with my extra free time, I have no excuse not to put my best foot forward. Now, my morning involves reading a Bible verse (or 20), sipping on some green tea, and watching an episode of one of my favorite shows.
2. I appreciate my family more.
Don’t get me wrong; I’ve always loved my family and always will. But now that I spend nearly every waking hour with them, I’ve come to realize just how much of a positive influence my family’s had on me.
Because of my family, I show respect for others, do the right thing even when it’s hard, and always follow through.
3. I’ve become my own best friend.
The time I don’t spend playing games or watching TV with my family, I now spend with myself.
I spend most of my time in quarantine thinking, reflecting, and evaluating my life. I tend to be my own worst critic, so my thoughts aren’t always the most forgiving.
However, my time alone with my thoughts has taught me the importance of being kind to myself. I now treat myself with the same respect, kindness, and care as I do the people I love.
4. I use social media less.
In this time of social distancing, the majority of people have turned to social media platforms to connect with others. But I, on the other hand, reeled back my online presence.
I now see the value in living where the validation of others doesn’t determine how I feel.
5. I have greater faith in humanity.
I’m not going to lie: My faith in humanity was at an all-time low pre-pandemic. Today, so many people are untrustworthy, point fingers, bicker, and spew hate.
Unfortunately, we’ve let this bleed into every aspect of our lives. I believe, though, that this pandemic has awakened our compassion and understanding.
Many people have bipartisanly stepped up to the plate for those in need, regardless of their beliefs. I hope that this newfound comradery transcends this time of crisis.
6. I’ve learned the extreme value of self-motivation and self-discipline.
I now know that all of this downtime is the perfect opportunity for self-improvement. I may not be able to advance my career, but I push myself to new heights so that I can succeed.
My ambition not only helps me to form lifelong self-disciplinary habits, but it will also make me more appealing to potential employers.
7. I’m more intentional in my relationships.
Since we can no longer socialize in public, we need to communicate with purpose. Although this isn’t hard, the extra effort communication now takes can sometimes feel like too much.
But in order to maintain our relationships, it’s important that we continue to reach out and check in on each other. Since text messages can often get lost in translation, I use FaceTime to show my friends that I care and spend quality time with them.
8. I experience music instead of just listening to it.
Listening to a new album for the first time used to be an ethereal experience for me. I’d lie in bed, close my eyes, and engage in each song fully, listening to every chord, lyric, note, and sound.
Right before the pandemic, I felt so caught up in the hustle and bustle of life that I forgot to really listen to music. Now, though, I listen to music fully, the way I used to. I highly recommend that you try it, too.
Even though this pandemic has been stressful and scary, it’s opened my eyes to how I can truly live again. If you feel lost in life right now, try to be more mindful and reconnect with the parts of yourself you miss for a clearer, happier mindset.
Allison Baker is a writer who focuses on health and wellness, mental health, and self-care. For more of her mental health content, visit her author profile on Unwritten.