Who Is William Little? New Details On The Man Who Was Allegedly Assaulted By Kevin Spacey — And Who Filmed The Attack
William Little might be the one to take down Kevin Spacey!

He was one of the few men who came forward as part of the so-called #MeToo movement, and he did so with a shocking accusation: Kevin Spacey allegedly sexually assaulted him. Now, the word's just been released that suggests that he filmed the alleged assault, making him one of the few #MeToo victims to have such explosive evidence. Who is William Little — and could he be the one to take down Kevin Spacey?
The trial of Kevin Spacey has been filled with twists and turns, with the latest twist featuring the judge ordering William Little to turn over any evidence that he has that will either prove Spacey’s innocence — or his guilt.
Here’s what we know about William Little and the latest in the Kevin Spacey trial.
1. William Little first suggested that he had a tape of Kevin Spacey assaulting him back in December 2018.
According to Time Magazine, Little, who was 18 at the time of the alleged assault, first said he had video of Kevin Spacey attacking him back in December 2018. It’s unclear, however, why the existence of this video flew under the press’s radar at the time.
“Little alleges that he remained at the restaurant after his shift had ended to try to have his picture taken with the “House of Cards” star. He says he misled Spacey about his age and drank alcohol with him. The actor then allegedly invited Little home, which he declined, after which Spacey is accused of molesting him by trying to place his hand down the young man’s pants,” reports the outlet, adding that Little sent the video to his girlfriend using the Snapchat app because “he couldn’t believe what was happening.”
2. Naturally, Kevin Spacey categorically denies the accusations.
It perhaps goes without saying that Kevin Spacey categorically denies all of William Little’s accusations. According to Radar Online, Spacey accused Little of “manipulating” the evidence to make it seem like Spacey did something that he didn’t do.
“Clearly Mr. Little has gone to great links to remove text messages that he believes did not fit his narrative. The prosecution is aware of this and hid that information from the defense,” Spacey alleged, through his attorneys, according to the outlet.
3. The judge wants to sort it out for himself.
According to a different report for Radar Online, the judge in the Kevin Spacey assault trial has ordered William Little to turn over all the evidence he has “to the desk officer at the Massachusetts state police headquarters by June 21, 2019.” The outlet further reports that the phone will be subjected to a full and complete forensic investigation when it is turned over.
4. Kevin Spacey is still trying to mount a comeback.
According to The Independent, perhaps the strangest part of this whole William Little vs. Kevin Spacey situation is that Kevin Spacey is still trying to mount a comeback as an actor. The outlet, however, thinks it’s a fool’s game, and rightly so.
“Spacey’s apparent entitlement and need to be watched and loved mirrors our worship and deification of celebrities and Hollywood. We think we know actors, and devour magazines, videos and gossip that help us form a picture of their personal lives and morality. But to think we really do is as foolish as me forming a view on Spacey’s character after interviewing him for eight minutes at a film junket, at which I was met with the charmless, cold and rude character he rolls out to all journalists,” they write, adding that since there’s nothing contrite about Kevin Spacey and his actions, he doesn’t deserve a second chance.
Bernadette Giacomazzo is an editor, writer, and photographer whose work has appeared in People, Teen Vogue, Us Weekly, The Source, XXL, HipHopDX, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Post, and more. She is also the author of The Uprising series. Find her online at www.bernadettegiacomazzo.com and www.longlivetheuprising.com.