What It Might Mean If You Have Your Period For Two Weeks
There could be an underlying issue.

Periods are no fun for any of us, but we understand they are a natural process our body goes through each month. However, if that process starts to feel extra long and abnormal, it's time to see what's going on.
According to Laurence Orbuch, M.D., FABOG, “Normal menstrual flow lasts 1-8 days (5 days or so on average), and occurs every 21 to 35 days. Abnormal uterine bleeding is when you bleed between your monthly periods, when you bleed for too long, or there is extremely heavy flow.”
When you have long periods, you can sense something may be wrong with your body. But if you have your period for two weeks or longer, what's causing it?
"If you’re experiencing a period or periods that last longer than that, and you’ve ruled out pregnancy, make an appointment with your gynecologist as soon as possible. It’s possible that it’s nothing and that’s just how your body is, but it’s also possible that you could be experiencing menorrhagia (heavy periods that last long), polymenorrhea (irregular bleeding for 21 days or less), or DUB (dysfunctional uterine bleeding). A long-lasting period can also be a sign of fibroids, polyps or ovarian cysts," warns Dr. David Greuner of NYC Surgical Associates.
Abnormal uterine bleeding may be the reason for your long periods, but in addition, there are other causes.
1. Uterine issues
There are many things that can be going on in your uterus to explain extended bleeding, to various degrees of severity.
Dr. Orbuch says these may include “Uterine fibroids or Myomas, which are benign muscle tumors of the uterus. Endometrial polyps, which are benign growths in the lining of the uterus or cervical canal. Uterine cancer or cervical cancer.”
2. Blood issues
“Bleeding disorders or platelet dysfunction can cause abnormal bleeding,” Dr. Orbuch warns. As this has the potential to be very dangerous, see your doctor immediately if you think it may be the case.
3. Pregnancy
Though a major sign of pregnancy is a missed period, what if you have a long period? Well, according to Dr. Orbuch, “Early pregnancies can have some bleeding associated with them.” If you think you may be expecting, be sure to see your doctor to confirm.
4. Endocrinological disorders
These disorders include “Hypo and Hyperthyroidism, adrenal disorders, and diabetes,” and can all cause extended periods of bleeding, Dr. Orbuch warns.
5. Thyroid problems
One of the signs of hypothyroidism is a prolonged period. “Your thyroid is the gland that controls the hormones in charge of many functions in your body. Other signs of hypothyroidism may include weight gain or hair loss,” says Caleb Backe, a certified health and wellness expert for Maple Holistics.
6. IUD issues
Both a non-hormonal and hormone-based IUD can cause abnormally long periods. According to Backe, “This usually happens after the first few months of insertion, so if you’re still experiencing these symptoms after three cycles, you should check in with your doctor. It’s possible that the IUD has moved out of position or isn’t the right birth control for your body.”
7. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
“This may cause your periods to come at different times or not at all. It is caused when certain regulatory hormones are out of balance. Women may have difficulty getting pregnant, or they may experience hirsutism, growth of hair in unwanted places and face,” Dr. Orbuch says.
8. Menopause or perimenopause
Dr. Orbach advises that “Hormonal changes can cause the lining of the uterus (endometrium) to get thick, and then cause bleeding.” So, if you believe you're experiencing either condition, it's important to see your doctor. Never mess around with your health.
Aly Walansky is a NY-based lifestyles writer. Her work appears in dozens of digital and print publications regularly. Visit her on Twitter or email her at alywalansky@gmail.com.