25 Hilarious (And Totally Relatable) Memes & Quotes About Being Single

Happy National Singles Day on September 22!

funny singles memes and quotes YourTango

National Singles Day is September 22, and it's time to celebrate — and laugh it off.

Considering single people have to endure going to countless weddings and engagement parties, it's only fitting that we should at least get a day too. After all, being single can be something to celebrate as well — contrary to what our inquiring friends and relatives would like us to believe.

That doesn't mean being single is necessarily easy.


The good news though is that the stigma of being single is not nearly as bad as it used to be. Thanks to shows like "Sex and the City," single people — especially single women — can still feel powerful and complete, regardless of relationship status.

Even though single people may feel left out in many ways, there's also a lot of great perks to being single! When you're single you have the freedom to live by your own rules. You are able to take time to learn about yourself.

RELATED: 15 Memes Only The Chronically Single Will Understand


So, here's to all you single and fabulous people out there. Get yourself a cocktail and celebrate National Singles Day this year with these funny memes and quotes about being single you can totally relate to.

25 Funny Memes and Quotes About Being Single

1. "Getting into a relationship may seem tempting but so was getting on the Titanic ship and look what happened there."

single funny memesPhoto: SomeeCards

Good point.


2. "Me in the future: 'Honey, I'm home! Oh, I forgot, I'm not married."

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Selina Kyle vibes.

3. "Everyone's falling in love and I'm just like..."

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Pretty much.

4. "Beyonce has been 'Crazy In Love' and "Dangerously In Love' and 'Drunk In Love' and I can't even find a guy I like."

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Queen Bey knows it.

5. "When a girl replies, 'Awww thanks,' it means she's politely asking you to return to the friend zone that you just tried to escape from."

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6. "They say you find love in every corner — my life must be a circle."

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Must be.

7. "Me: For Christmas I want a unicorn. Santa: Be realistic. Me: Okay, I want a boyfriend. Santa: What color do you want your unicorn?"

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Sounds about right.

8. "Honestly, I'm probably single because I never forwarded those chain messages in 2008."

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9. "When your family asks about your love life: 'I'm gonna die alone. And merry Christmas!'"

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10. "Not sure if doing something wrong or just really good at being single."

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Depends on how you look at it.

11. "From now on I'm a strong, independent, single woman and I focus on myself only. Oh look, a guy!"

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Dory mode.

12. "When your aunts corner you for a reason why you're still single: 'I'm not interested in caring about people.'"

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It's not for everyone.

13. "All my friends on Facebook. Me."

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14. "How I plan on spending Valentine's Day."

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The Valentine's Day struggle is real.

15. "Yeah, dating is cool, but have you ever had stuffed crust pizza?"

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I mean, is there really any comparison?

RELATED: 7 Biggest Benefits Of Staying Single Forever

16. "8 planets, 204 countries, 809 islands, 7 seas, 6,000,000,000+ people, and I'm still single."

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Not so good when you look at the numbers.

17. "Relationship status: 0 Single, 0 In a relationship, 0 Married, 0 Engaged, 0 Divorced, X Waiting for a miracle."

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Still waiting.

18. "When you crush complains about being single: 'I volunteer!'"

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Here I am!

19. "All my friends are married or in relationships but I still be on the phone with boys like 'So what's your favorite color?'"

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Blue? Red?

20. "When people ask me why am I single?"

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Who knows?


21. "My family waiting for me to get married..."

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So true.

22. "Just saved tons of money on Valentine's Day by switching to single."

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Love insurance.

23. "When someone asks me why I'm still single... I guess I'm overqualified."

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Yeah, that's the reason.

24. "Being an independent woman is cool until about 10 PM."

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Just being honest.

25. "I'm single. You'll have to be freaking amazing to change that."

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At the end of the day, never settle for less than what you deserve.

RELATED: 12 Reasons Being Single Is Freaking Awesome

Jill Zwarensteyn is a writer who covers astrology, pop culture, entertainment news and relationship topics.
