21 Best Celebrity Sex Tapes, Ranked From Best To Worst
Some are so bad they don't even make the list.

Sex tapes are fun to make as long as you don't care who sees them. But that's the major problem with sex tapes: no matter who you are, they have a way of being seen by others, even if it's just your roommate or your babysitter.
And if you're famous, it's even worse. You can trust your partner all you want, but if they get offered enough money, they'll have no problem with that tape of you two having sex.
People will betray you. It could be your ex-assistant, ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-manager, ex-friend — anybody out to make a buck will have no problem stealing that video off your computer hard drive and selling it directly to Vivid Entertainment.
Don't think it won't happen to you because it probably will, especially since everyone has a camera within reach.
However, the stigma of having a sex tape isn't what it once was. Now, thanks to Kim Kardashian West, it's not as scandalous to have a sex tape and can actually help your career rather than end it. In fact, while some celebrities may claim that they're as surprised as anybody that their video got leaked, they're often the people behind it getting released.
The right sex tape can make the public see you in a new and more positive light. Hey, stars have sex just like regular people.
Here are the best celebrity sex tapes (we're using that term loosely here) as well as the worst celebrity sex tapes, ranked.
1. Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee
Photo: YouTube
Let's give it up to the OGs of sex tapes. They might not have been the first celebrities to come up with a sex tape, but they were the first ones to start to turn the tide of public opinion.
These two kids were clearly in love, which you knew because they actually call each other lover (at the time it wasn't as nearly as cringy as it is now). While it's technically not a gang-bang scenario, Tommy's member should be given equal billing.
2. Kim Kardashian and Ray J
Photo: YouTube
Kim Kardashian, Superstar (its name after Vivid Entertainment got the rights) is the most successful sex tape in the history of sex tapes. It's had over 210 million views and has made over $110 million dollars. Plus, it helped take Kim Kardashian West from relative obscurity (as obscure as you can be as Paris Hilton's bestie) to one of the most successful women of this generation.
3. Paris Hilton and Rick Saloman
Photo: NY Daily News
1 Night in Paris is one of the best-known celebrity sex tapes and it even got an award at the AVN (porn's Oscars) which is surprising because it's darkly shot and Rick Salomon comes off as sleazy. Paris doesn't get any extra points for enthusiasm; at one point, she's so bored she answers her phone.
4. Colin Farrell and Nicole Narain
Photo: Blogspot
The scene where Colin tapes Nicole's vagina and says in a heavy Irish accent, "This is my breakfast lunch and dinner" can never be unheard and will come to mind at awkward moments for the view. Points for Colin for loving oral sex.
5. Farrah Abraham and James Deen
Photo: Vivid Entertainment
At first, the Teen Mom star said that the video, Backdoor Teen Mom, was a celebration of her body, then she said it had ruined her life. It's hard to watch knowing that James Deen has been accused of rape and sexual assault by multiple women.
Abraham did make approximately $1.5 million for selling it to Vivid Entertainment and it was good enough to spawn a sequel, Farrah 2: Backdoor Mom.
6. Mimi Faust and Nikko Smith
Photo: Vivid Entertainment
Reality show stars and sex tapes go together like peanut butter and chocolate. The Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta star and her on-again and off-again boyfriend recorded a hardcore video that was somehow leaked and was immediately seized by Vivid Entertainment.
Mimi hoped for some of that Kim Kardashian West acclaim and bank, but Mimi Faust is no Kim Kardashian West.
7. Chyna and Sean Waltman
Photo: xxxbunker
The two wrestlers collaborated on the sex tape 1 Night in China, an homage to 1 Night in Paris and a play on the word "China." Chyna later claimed that she made no money on the video.
8. Minka Kelly
Photo: Pornhub
Minka claimed that she had no idea that she was being filmed while having sex. However, it's clear by the way she looks at the camera and adjusts her body that she was fully aware of what was going on. More concerning was the fact that when the video was made, she may have been underage.
9. Survivor star Jenna Lewis and Travis Wolfe
Photo: gossipkings
The Survivor star reportedly leaked a video of herself having sex with her 21-year-old model husband on their honeymoon. Later, the reality star recanted and denied having any knowledge of the tape.
10. Kid Rock, Scott Stapp, and 4 groupies
Photo: YouTube
Kid Rock together with Scott Stapp (of Creed) taped themselves having sex with four ladies. When the video appeared online, Stapp, shocked and outraged, claimed that the tape had been stolen from his home safe.
Kid Rock called Scott "an idiot" and suggested that he get the bulk of any monies received from the tape as it was his performance that really made the tape.
11. Hulk Hogan and radio personality Bubba the Lovesponge's wife
Photo: NY Daily News
Hulk Hogan had the okay from Bubba to have sex with his wife, but he didn't have permission from his own wife. Hogan, aka Terry G. Bollea, took Gawker media to court over their coverage of the sex tape. The case was settled for $31 million dollars and Gawker went bankrupt.
12. Kevin Hart and Eniko Parrish
Photo: TMZ
The tape is blurry and hard to see, but the voice is definitely Kevin Hart's. This was the second time the funnyman was caught cheating.
In order to get out ahead of the release of the sex tape (and ending the extortion plans of Ms. Parrish), Kevin Hart came out with a video where he apologized to his wife and called his cheating "an error in judgment."
13. Rob Lowe
Photo: xvideos
In a video that was shot the night Rob Lowe was attending the Democratic convention in Atlanta, Lowe is shown having sex with a number of people, including one underage girl (she was 16 years old at the time).
The teen's mom slapped Lowe with a civil lawsuit claiming that he had used his celebrity status as a way to coerce her into making a porno. Lowe settled the case out of court with money and 20 hours of community service.
14. Tila Tequila — twice
Photo: Vivid Entertainment
Claiming she was flat broke, Tila did two sex tapes — one with a man and one with a woman. She seemed to be enjoying herself though completely wasted. She didn't get the payday she had hoped for.
15. Tanya Harding and Jeff Gillooly
Photo: Blogspot
Figure skating Olympian and all-around bad sportswoman claimed that a leaked sex video with then-husband, Jeff Gillooly, was from her wedding night. However, the truth was she merely had gotten drunk and filmed them having sex.
16. Limp Bizkit's Fred Durst
Photo: Reddit
Fred Durst filmed himself having sex with his girlfriend. Two years later, Durst sued 10 websites for posting the tapes, but more humiliating than the videos themselves was how the website Gawker referred to Durst's bizkit as "unimpressive."
17. Anya Ayoung-Chee, her boyfriend, and a friend
Photo: famousfix
Anya Ayoung-Chee wasn't just a Miss Universe contestant representing Trinidad and Tobago, she was the winner of Project Runway. The tape shows Anya having sex with a man, and a three-way with a man and a woman.
It was believed that the other woman was Miss Japan, but it was later confirmed that it wasn't her. There was a brief scandal but didn't affect Ms. Ayoung-Chee's career one way or another.
18. Gene Simmons... and someone who wasn't his wife, Shannon Tweed
Photo: Gawker
Perhaps one of the saddest sex tapes ever. In this cringe-fest, Gene's date refuses to kiss him. Isn't that what prostitutes do? You'd think that after the thousands of women Gene has claimed to bang, he'd at least be a decent kisser.
19. Verne Troyer
Photo: celebuzz
Best known for his role as "Mini-Me" in Austin Powers, he made a sex tape in 2008 with ex-girlfriend, Ranae Shrider, who later leaked the video to TMZ.
20. Nadya Suleman, aka Octomom
Photo: Pornhub
Famous for having 8 babies at once, Nadya made the sex tape Octomom Home Alone in which she masturbated on camera. The video won the coveted Best Celebrity Sex Tape award at the AVNs. What mom doesn't need a little alone time now and then?
21. Dustin Diamond
Photo: showbizspy
Saved by the Bell's Dustin Diamond needed a career boost so badly that he directed and starred in his own sex tape entitled, Screeched: Saved by the Smell. In this cinematic horror show, Diamond asked female porn stars if they wanted to see "the monster." Later, he admitted that he had used a stand-in penis for his own.
Christine Schoenwald is a writer, performer, and teacher who loves writing and performing personal narratives. She's had pieces in The Los Angeles Times, Salon, Woman's Day, Purple Clover, Bustle, and is a regular contributor to Ravishly and YourTango. Check out her website or her Facebook page.