3 Kinda Weird (But Totally Normal!) Things Your Vagina Does During Sex

Don't be embarrassed.

3 Things Your Vagina Does During Sex That Seem Weird (But Are Actually Normal) weheartit

By Rachel Strauss-Muniz

Everything was perfect until that moment. The awkward moment where the incredible, thought-provoking, sexy thrill of sleeping with your boo was interrupted by a sexual taboo you may not have thought would ever happen.

Sure, having sex is euphoric, but the complex chemical and physical makeup of our bodies may cause for moments that just don’t feel right.

Here are three weird but normal things that can happen to you during sex:


1. Squirting

Female ejaculation, or “squirting,” is essentially the involuntary emission of fluid during sexual activity. It is precisely the phenomenon that, as of December 2014, was banned from being shot in porn by the British Board of Film Classification. So if your guy makes you erupt like a sexual geyser, is it a turn on or a turn in the wrong direction?

According to Clinical Sexologist Dr. Charley Ferrer, “some women experience female ejaculation when their G-spot is stimulated, and understanding this very natural occurrence is important in embracing your full orgasmic potential”.


If you are one of the chosen few who spews love juice, talk about it with your partner beforehand — and keep some extra towels at your bedside, just in case!

RELATED: What Men Think Of Each Of The 8 Different Types Of Vaginas

2. Queefing

A queef is an expulsion of air from the vagina that can occur during sex. Queefing is a common and natural experience, and it is nothing to be ashamed of or embarrassed about. Although it may sound funky, it is odorless because unlike flatulence, it is not a byproduct of waste in the body.

“Instead of allowing queefing to ruin a wonderful night of lovemaking, make light of it. Pardon yourself and laugh the incident away," Dr. Ferrer said.


Next time this happens, don’t feel like you have to run away and hide. Instead, embrace and laugh about the vaginal earthquake your lover caused.

3. Dryness

Ever feel like your vagina belongs in the Sahara desert? Vaginal dryness is one of those embarrassing female problems we typically don’t speak about.  According to the InstituteofPleasure.org, approximately 80% of women in their 30s experience vaginal dryness.

Why so dry? Vaginal dryness is caused by flat or declining estrogen levels in a woman’s body, which leads to a thinning and drying of the vaginal walls. If left untreated, vaginal dryness can range from slight discomfort to down right torturous pain.


RELATED: 8 Things Your Vagina DESPERATELY Wants You To Know

Dr. Ferrer shared some natural solutions that can help alleviate the symptoms or eliminate them all together:

  • Increase the amount of water you drink
  • Eat a balanced diet, inclusive of healthy fats
  • Talk to your physician about hormone replacement therapy
  • Exercise regularly
  • Reduce your stress levels

For more information, log on to www.InstituteOfPleasure.org