Sometimes Women Just Need Some Good, Rough Sex
And we deserve it.

God, don’t we all sometimes just want to have kinky sex? Yeah, that’s pretty much me right now.
And I deserve it, too.
No, really.
I do.
I’ve had the worst luck with my sex life since leaving M. I left him because we had no sex. And for other reasons. And now I’m having the hardest time finding lovers.
I fail to connect with date after date. Sometimes it’s me, sometimes it’s them. And even when there is a connection, well, nobody owes you sex, so if they don’t want to have sex with you, you can’t force them. Cause that would be rape. And rape is bad, m'kay? Remember that, people!
Anywho, I’m feeling more and more these days that I deserve to have the sex I want.
Not just made love to, but sweaty, grunting, screaming hot sex that sets your every nerve on fire and that you feel to the very tip of your hair. The kind where you scratch and bite and growl and heave. Crazy animal sex, primal and primordial.
I never was one for sweet, slow sex (although it can be nice once in a while if you’re tired or something). To me, it just doesn’t feel like much at all. I need hard thrusting and slaps and a hand around my throat, nails digging into my skin and teeth crushing my flesh to make me feel something that takes me beyond my body and into some kind of airy realm where all thoughts and emotions dissolve, where there is only the rush of pain and pleasure, mixed together.
Basically: connected sex that raises my temperature.
I usually alternate between two kinds of sex.
The kind where I’m defenseless — somehow tied up in bondage or restrained in some way. That turns me on, especially if there was a beating or some other kind of kinky play involved beforehand.
The second is the kind I just described above. The kind where I can fight and participate, defend myself and let myself be taken, only to resist again.
It’s been a LONG time since I’ve had sex that way. These days it’s basically just me and my Magic Wand — get one right now if you don’t have one! — and my imagination. I’m not a big fan of dildo penetration, personally. I don’t find it that satisfying for more than a minute or two.
So yeah, I’ve been craving good, raw sex that leaves me aching and sore in the morning.
Or maybe two or three sessions that leave me sore for a day.
My personal disposition, sadly, isn’t towards hookup sex, so I can’t really do that either.
But ...
That’s how I believe I deserve to have sex.