Tell me one thing better than unicorns and Starbucks frappuccinos?
Thanks to a bit of sleuthing on Cosmo's part, we may have confirmation that this pure delight of a drink is real.
OK, so let's get down to the clues.
A Reddit user by the name of Hellabummed posted the photo below of Unicorn Dust, with a caption that read: Unicorn Frapp Topping.

Reddit Blue Unicorn Frappuccino Dust
Another Reddit user (THANK GOODNESS FOR REDDIT!) by the name of outside_the_madness posted this photo of pink dust.

Reddit Pink Powder
So, do blue dust and pink powder mean what I'm hoping it means?
A real life unicorn frappuccino in the United States that we don't have to pine over on Instagram because Europe had it first?!
Be still my 90's Lisa Frank loving heart—it just may explode with joy!
RELATED: Unicorn Hot Chocolate Is The Magical Drink Your Inner Child Craves
The pink powder is labeled with instructions not to open the bag until 4/17 and according to other Reddit users, there's a good reason for that.
The powder has a really short shelf life and only lasts for 7 days, so does the date of 4/17 mean that's the release date?
Some say yes, others say that the official release will be on 4/19. *shrug*
Back to our friend Hellabummed on Reddit (love the name, by the way, if you're reading this), who posted this photo of what the final product looks like.

Reddit Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino
That looks hella delicious (see what I did there?) and I seriously can not wait until this beverage made up of my teenage dreams becomes a reality.
It's said to taste like tropical Skittles and I am A-OK, totally down with that.
Liquid Skittles with edible glitter? HELL TO THE YES!
Here's another look at the Starbucks Unicorn Frappuccino:
"We’re still working our Frappuccino magic and don’t have any details to share at this time."
I think they're just being coy.
I think we have something to look forward to besides having our taxes paid.
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