5 Facts About How The Size Of Your Clitoris Affects Your Orgasms

Clits for the win.

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It's funny, but you don't hear women talking about size of clit the way you hear dudes talk about size of penis.

Obviously, the two things are pretty different, but they both contain erectile tissue and play a pretty big role in sexual pleasure, so what gives?

By and large, women have two misconceptions about their vagina's hood ornament, the clitoris: 

The first, that it is a big button that will make you orgasm if flicked vigorously enough, and the second, that having a "small" clit can make having an orgasm impossible.


Ladies I am here to tell you that NOTHING can make having an orgasm impossible, vagina or no vagina. 

Take it from me, a woman who has literally been talked off, orgasms are just as mental as they are physical. 

You don't need a vagina or any of its accoutrement to orgasm.

Still if "size of clit" is still something you've been known to Google late at night when sleep refuses to come and you can't possibly watch another episode of Law and Order: SVU, let me tell you a couple of important things about your lady boner. 

1. However small you think your clitoris is, it's bigger. 



Worried that a small clitoris is making orgasms impossible for you? 

Then I come carrying good news (and also orgasmic wishes for you all).

The tiny nubbin of clitoris you see dancing merrily above your vaginal opening? That's just the beginning.

Your clitoris extends up to 10 times longer internally (yes, inside your vagina!) from what you see externally. 

So before you go blaming your "small" clit for keeping you from achieving bangarang orgasms, please know that it's so much bigger than you know.

Carry that secret. Cherish it. Like a delicious chocolate surprise, only instead of chocolate, it is your genitals. 

2. A smaller clitoris might mean fewer orgasms. 



Okay, so here's the hard (lol, like a penis) science about size of clit and how it helps or hinders your orgasm.

In February 2014 in The Journal of Sexual Medicine conducted a study of 30 women. Ten of the women weren't able to have orgasms. They conducted MRIs and determined that in the case of these 10 women, small clitorises could lead to more difficult orgasm.


But the REAL question is what was making their clits so much smaller. Turns out, hormones were the name of the game, namely, a lack of testosterone.

So a small clit isn't a problem, it's a symptom, and good news, it's treatable! 

Yay! Orgasms for everyone

3. Clitoral placement has a huge impact on your orgasmic ability. 



I say it to guys, and I'll say it to women now too: Size don't REALLY matter. 

If you are having a difficult time orgasming with your partner but you can get off just fine when you're on your own, clitoral placement might be the issue.

Unless your clitoris is very close to your vaginal opening it can be difficult to stimulate during penetrative sex

In other words, he gonna have to get to work, oral sex speaking, if you want to get the clitoral orgasm of your dreams.

And who doesn't? 

4. Your clitoris is SO sensitive orgasms that can be difficult.



Did you know that your clitoris has more than 8,000 nerve endings packed into it?

That's right, your clitoris is insanely sensitive. 

In fact, your clit might be SO sensitive that direct contact to it could make having orgasms difficult.


To work with these nerves and not against them, try exploring your vulva and see how else you can stimulate yourself externally to get results. 

5. Your clitoris has one job. 


A dude might think that his penis is only for recreational sex, but he's wrong. 

The penis is a tool (lol) with a few purposes including reproductive sex and you know, urination. 


The clitoris? That little mama exists ONLY TO GIVE YOU ORGASMS. 

So don't neglect her and don't ignore her. If you learn how to treat her right she will reward you with all sorts of spicy pants feelings, ya dig?